Troubleshoot and support > Management Center
Troubleshoot: Browser performance when using the Management Center
While using the Management Center, the Web browser may respond very slowly or becomes less responsive.
Browser performance is likely due to the amount of memory used while working with the Management Center, a rich-client graphical interface. Typically, this is because of working with too many objects at once. Here are the typical solutions for resolving this problem:
- Close the work you have currently open.
You can close files several ways:
- From within an object's properties view, click the Close or Save and Close buttons.
- From the explorer view, right-click a node and select Close. Remember that in the explorer view, you can have objects open under several nodes: the Active Work node, or any other node (for example, while working on a sales catalog, you might have opened several existing products to view their contents).
- From the File menu, select either Close All or Reload All and Close. This closes all open objects, and refreshes the explorer view.
- Minimize the number of objects that you copy and drag for other uses (for example, dragging objects from the explorer view to the main work area). Large amounts of copying take up memory. For efficiency, do not copy more than 30 objects at one time.
- Log out of the Management Center, close the browser, and re-open the Management Center.
Related tasks
Enable Management Center client-side logging and tracing
Related reference
Troubleshoot: Management Center