Develop > Controller layer > Integrate with back-end systems and external applications > Integration XML messages > Back-end integration messages
Update_WCS_Customer message
The Update_WCS_Customer message is an inbound message that contains customer information for a customer. A back-end application generates this message and sends it to the WebSphere Commerce inbound message queue, where the WebSphere Commerce system receives the message. WebSphere Commerce updates information for a customer by calling the UserRegistrationUpdate command.
The Update_WCS_Customer message uses the XML message format and follows Update_WCS_Customer_30.dtd. If the optional element ReceiveEmail is used during customer creation, the same ReceiveEmail value should be used in this message to update the entry in the EMLUSRRECV table. If a different value is used then a new entry will be added. The elements, CustomerStatus, PasswordExpired, AddressNickName, AddressType, PersonName, Address, LastName, State, ZipCode, Country, Personal, and DistinguishedName are all optional.
The message updates a customer under a store identifier (StoreID). If the optional element StoreID is used during customer creation, the same StoreID value should be used in this message to update the entry in the EMLUSRRECV table. If a different value is used then a new entry will be added.
Note that the following fields are ignored because UserRegistrationUpdateCmd will always treat the address update as a new address being self and primary address.
The old self address status will be set to "T" and a new record (the old self address overwritten with the new information) will be created with the status set to "P". Please consult the API documentation for UserRegistrationUpdateCmd for more details.
To update the billing or shipping address associated with an order, a similar message should be created to call AddressUpdateCmd with the address IDs. The billing and shipping addresses are stored in the ORDERS and ORDERITEMS table respectively.
The following table describes the format of the Update_WCS_Customer message. For a description of the database column, follow the link to its associated table. All fields are optional unless otherwise noted. The tag value length in the XML message for database fields of type INT, BIGINT and DOUBLE should be CHAR (10), CHAR (19), and CHAR (16) respectively.
Level Field Name Comment Table Name Column Name 1 Registration Mandatory N/A N/A 1.1 LogonInfo Mandatory N/A N/A 1.1.1 LogonID Mandatory USERREG LOGONID 1.1.2 Password USERREG LOGONPASSWORD 1.1.3 VerifyPassword N/A N/A 1.2 StoreInfo STOREENT N/A 1.2.1 StoreID N/A N/A 1.3 StatusInfo N/A N/A 1.3.1 CustomerStatus USERREG STATUS 1.3.2 PasswordExpired N/A N/A 1.3.2.A1 value Attribute USERREG PASSWORDEXPIRED 1.4 Challenge N/A N/A 1.4.1 Question USERREG CHALLENGEQUESTION 1.4.2 Answer USERREG CHALLENGEANSWER 2 AddressInfo N/A N/A 2.1 AddressID ADDRESS ADDRESS_ID 2.2 AddressNickName ADDRESS NICKNAME 2.3 AddressType ADDRESS ADDRESSTYPE 2.4 PersonName N/A N/A 2.4.1 Title ADDRESS PERSONTITLE 2.4.2 LastName ADDRESS LASTNAME 2.4.3 FirstName ADDRESS FIRSTNAME 2.4.4 MiddleName ADDRESS MIDDLENAME 2.5 Address N/A N/A 2.5.A1 primary Attribute ADDRESS ISPRIMARY 2.5.A2 self Attribute ADDRESS SELFADDRESS 2.5.1 AddressLine First occurrence ADDRESS ADDRESS1 2.5.1 AddressLine Second occurrence ADDRESS ADDRESS2 2.5.1 AddressLine Third occurrence ADDRESS ADDRESS3 2.5.2 City ADDRESS CITY 2.5.3 State ADDRESS STATE 2.5.4 ZipCode ADDRESS ZIPCODE 2.5.5 Country ADDRESS COUNTRY 2.6 ContactInfo N/A N/A 2.6.1 Telephone First occurrence ADDRESS PHONE1 2.6.1 Telephone Second occurrence ADDRESS PHONE2 2.6.1.A1 type Attribute ADDRESS PHONE1TYPE/ PHONE2TYPE 2.6.1.A2 publish Attribute ADDRESS PUBLISH PHONE1 / PUBLISH PHONE2 2.6.2 BestCallingTime ADDRESS BESTCALLINGTIME 2.6.3 Fax First occurrence ADDRESS FAX1 2.6.3 Fax Second occurrence ADDRESS FAX2 2.6.4 First occurrence ADDRESS EMAIL1 2.6.4 Second occurrence ADDRESS EMAIL2 2.6.5 ReceiveEmail EMLUSRRECV RECEIVEEML 2.7 Billing N/A N/A 2.7.1 Code ADDRESS BILLINGCODE 2.7.2 CodeType ADDRESS BILLINGCODETYPE 2.8 PackageSuppression ADDRESS PACKAGESUPPRESSION 2.9 AddressField First occurrence ADDRESS FIELD1 2.9 AddressField Second occurrence ADDRESS FIELD2 2.9 AddressField Third occurrence ADDRESS FIELD3 3 Profile N/A N/A 3.A1 type Attribute USERS PROFILETYPE 3.1 Personal N/A N/A 3.1.1 DistinguishedName USERS DN 3.1.2 PreferredCurrency USERS SETCURR 3.1.3 PreferredLanguage USERS LANGUAGE_ID 3.1.4 UserField First occurrence USERS FIELD1 3.1.4 UserField Second occurrence USERS FIELD2 3.1.4 UserField Third occurrence USERS FIELD3 3.1.5 DisplayName USERPROF DISPLAYNAME 3.1.6 Photo USERPROF PHOTO 3.1.7 PreferredMeasure USERPROF PREFERREDMEASURE 3.1.8 PreferredCommunication USERPROF PREFERREDCOMM 3.1.9 PreferredDelivery USERPROF PREFERREDDELIVERY 3.1.10 Description USERPROF DESCRIPTION 3.1.14 UserProfileField First occurrence USERPROF FIELD1 3.1.14 UserProfileField Second occurrence USERPROF FIELD2 3.2 Business N/A N/A 3.2.1 BusinessTitle ADDRESS BUSINESSTITLE 3.2.2 Organization N/A N/A OrganizationID BUSPROF ORG_ID OrganizationName ADDRESS ORGNAME OrganizationUnitId BUSPROF ORGUNIT_ID OrganizationUnitName ADDRESS ORGUNITNAME 3.2.3 Employee N/A N/A EmployeeID BUSPROF EMPLOYEEID AlternateID BUSPROF ALTERNATEID EmployeeType BUSPROF EMPLOYEETYPE 3.2.4 OfficeAddress ADDRESS OFFICEADDRESS 3.2.6 DepartmentNumber BUSPROF DEPARTMENTNUM 3.2.7 Manager BUSPROF MANAGER 3.2.8 Secretary BUSPROF SECRETARY 3.3 Demographics N/A N/A 3.3.1 Age USERDEMO AGE 3.3.2 Gender USERDEMO GENDER 3.3.3 Income USERDEMO INCOME 3.3.3.A1 Currency Attribute USERDEMO INCOMECURRENCY 3.3.4 MaritalStatus USERDEMO MARITALSTATUS 3.3.5 Children USERDEMO CHILDREN 3.3.6 Household USERDEMO HOUSEHOLD 3.3.7 CompanyName USERDEMO COMPANYNAME 3.3.8 Hobbies USERDEMO HOBBIES 3.3.9 OrderBefore USERDEMO ORDERBEFORE 3.3.10 TimeZone USERDEMO TIMEZONE 3.3.11 DemographicField First occurrence USERDEMO FIELD1 3.3.11 DemographicField Second occurrence USERDEMO FIELD2 3.3.11 DemographicField Third occurrence USERDEMO FIELD3 3.3.11 DemographicField Fourth occurrence USERDEMO FIELD4 3.3.11 DemographicField Fifth occurrence USERDEMO FIELD5 3.3.11 DemographicField Sixth occurrence USERDEMO FIELD6 3.3.11 DemographicField Seventh occurrence USERDEMO FIELD7 4 UserData N/A N/A 4.1 UserDataField N/A N/A
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