Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > U
WebSphere Commerce database table: USERPROF
This table contains basic registered user profile information.
Column Name Column Type Description USERS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Foreign key relationship to the USERS table for this registered user. PHOTO VARCHAR(254) A location for the photograph of the user. DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(4000) Description of the user. DISPLAYNAME VARCHAR(128) Display name of the entry. This is a name used in displaying an entry in a one line summary list. PREFERREDCOMM CHAR(2) Preferred method of communication, for example:
PREFERREDDELIVERY VARCHAR(1000) Preferred delivery method. PREFERREDMEASURE CHAR(15) Preferred unit of measurement, for example, Metric or Imperial. FIELD1 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. TAXPAYERID VARCHAR(254) A string used to identify the user for taxation purpose. Addition of this column triggered by Taxware integration, but presumably this column is useful even outside of Taxware. FIELD2 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. RCVSMSNOTIFICATION SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 SMS text messaging preference. Indicates whether the user wants to receive order notification SMS text messages. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030444480 USERS_ID Primary Key
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_889 USERS_ID USERS USERS_ID Cascade
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