Troubleshoot and support > Messaging

Troubleshoot: Outbound messaging

This page contains solutions to problems that can be encountered when using WebSphere Commerce outbound messaging.


When creating, updating or canceling an order in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, there is an option to send a comment to the customer. The customer does not receive the e-mail.

To use this feature enable "Order related message sent by Customer Service Representative" message type through the Administration Console. This is described fully in the Enable outbound notification messages topic.


When sending a message, the following error occurs in the SystemOut.log file [1/17/05 16:32:10:679 MST] 41d614a0 CommerceSrvr E loadAdminData(Integer,Integer,Integer) CMN8413E: The messaging system cannot find an appropriate profile for MSGTYPE_ID "201" to match an active transport of the STORE_ID "10001" in table PROFILE. Ensure that the MSGTYPE has been assigned to an active transport under the store or site.

The error is occurring because the message type has not been assigned to an active transport under the store or site.

To correct the problem:

  1. In the Admin Console verify that a message type has been assigned to an active transport under the store or site.

  2. To identify what message type the error message is referring to, the name and description can be obtained from the database. The following example will give the name and description of the MSGTYPE_ID in the error above.

    select name,description from msgtypes where msgtype_id=201

  3. Assign the message type to the appropriate transport method for the site or store

  4. Ensure the transport is method is set to Active.


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