Migrate > Take the first steps after WebSphere Commerce migration
Migrate from Member Manager to Virtual Member Manager
If you were using Member Manager with the WebSphere Commerce version 6 installation, perform these steps to migrate to using Virtual Member Manager with WebSphere Commerce version 7.
Before you begin
- WebSphere Commerce version 6 was successfully configured with Member Manager and LDAP.
- WebSphere Commerce has been migrated to version 7.
- Back up the Member Manager directory to a temporary directory, referred to as temp_wmm_full_path. If the Member Manager is not installed on the same machine as the new WebSphere Commerce version 7 installation, copy this backup directory to temp_wmm_full_path on the new, version 7 machine.
- Uninstall Member Manager, if no other applications are using it.
- Start the WebSphere Commerce server.
- If WebSphere Application Server Administrative Security is already configured with Federated Repositories, disable Administrative Security, as the migration script will reset the realm information.
- Open a command line prompt and navigate to the following directory:
- Run the following command:
- If security is enabled:
wsadmin -user adminUser -password adminPwd -f WC_INSTALL\migration\xml\scripts\migrateMemberManager.jacl temp_wmm_full_path/wmm
- If security is not enabled:
wsadmin -f WC_INSTALL\migration\xml\scripts\migrateMemberManager.jacl temp_wmm_full_path/wmm
- You should check the WC_PROFILE/logs/server1/SystemOut.log to see if any errors occurred while running the script.
- Forward slashes (/) should be used instead of backslashes when specifying the temp_wmm_full_path/wmm directory. For example: c:/temp_wmm/wmm.
Open WCDE_installdir\wasprofile\config\cells\localhost\wim\config\wimconfig.xml, and make the following changes:
- Search for the following text:
<config:dynamicModel xsdFileName="wimextension.xsd"/>
- Change the line to the following text:
<config:dynamicModel xsdFileName="wimdatagraph.xsd"/>
- Restart the WebSphere Commerce server. This enables the migrated LDAP repository to appear in the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console.
- Enable WebSphere Application Server Administrative Security with a new Federated Repository, following the instructions in the Configure a single built-in, file-based repository and one or more Lightweight Directory Access Protocol repositories in a federated repository configuration topic in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.
Notes: Take into account the following notes when following the WebSphere Application Server documentation:
- Configure WebSphere Application Server Global security:
- Select Administrative security.
- Clear Application security, unless it is required.
- Clear Java 2 security.
- When you Add Base entry to Realm, select the LDAP repository migrated from Member Manager, for example LDAP1, instead of adding a new LDAP repository.
- Specify the distinguished name of the Commerce Root Organization in the following fields:
- Distinguished name of a base entry that uniquely identifies this set of entries in the realm
- Distinguished name of a base entry in this repository
- Enable Global Security in WebSphere Commerce, if it is disabled:
- Open Configuration Manager.
- Select WebSphere Commerce > node_name > Commerce > Instance List > instance > Instance Properties > Security.
- Select Enable Administrative Security.
- Enter the Primary Admin User and password that were specified in the WebSphere Application Server Global Security settings.
- Ensure Enable Application Security is cleared, unless WebSphere Application Server Application Security is enabled.
- Click Apply.
- Close Configuration Manager.
- Modify the wc-server.xml file:
- Open a command prompt and navigate to the WCDE_installdir/bin directory.
- Use the wcs_encrypt command to generate an encrypted string of your password. Record the ASCII encrypted string.
- Open the WC_EAR/xml/config/wc-server.xml file.
- Update the Security section:
<Security AdminUser="PrimaryAdminUserName" AdminPwd="PrimaryAdminUserPassword" AuthMode="" Realm="" RunAsID="" RunAsPwd="" enabled="false" enabledGlobal="true" passwordpolicy="true" />Where:
- PrimaryAdminUserName is the WebSphere Application Server Primary Administrative User specified in step 9.
- PrimaryAdminUserPassword is the encrypted password generated by the wcs_encrypt command for the Primary Administrative User specified in step 9.
- Save the changes and close the file.
- Manually configure additional WebSphere Application Server security properties:
- Configure the WebSphere Commerce Test Server properties.
- Right-click the server and select Open.
- Navigate to the Security panel.
- Select Security is enabled on this server.
- Enter the user ID and password for the current active authentication settings.
The user ID and password should be the same as the WebSphere Application Server Primary Administrative User.
- Select Automatically trust server certificate during SSL handshake.
- If Member Manager was previously configured to use SSL, those settings need to be performed manually. Follow step 13 of Configure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol in a federated repository configuration in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.