Migrate > Take the first steps after WebSphere Commerce migration

Migrate from Member Manager to Virtual Member Manager

If you were using Member Manager with the WebSphere Commerce version 6 installation, perform these steps to migrate to using Virtual Member Manager with WebSphere Commerce version 7.

Before you begin


  1. Back up the Member Manager directory to a temporary directory, referred to as temp_wmm_full_path. If the Member Manager is not installed on the same machine as the new WebSphere Commerce version 7 installation, copy this backup directory to temp_wmm_full_path on the new, version 7 machine.

  2. Uninstall Member Manager, if no other applications are using it.

  3. Start the WebSphere Commerce server.

  4. If WebSphere Application Server Administrative Security is already configured with Federated Repositories, disable Administrative Security, as the migration script will reset the realm information.

  5. Open a command line prompt and navigate to the following directory:

  6. Run the following command:

    • If security is enabled:

      wsadmin -user adminUser -password adminPwd -f WC_INSTALL\migration\xml\scripts\migrateMemberManager.jacl temp_wmm_full_path/wmm

    • If security is not enabled:

      wsadmin -f WC_INSTALL\migration\xml\scripts\migrateMemberManager.jacl temp_wmm_full_path/wmm


    • You should check the WC_PROFILE/logs/server1/SystemOut.log to see if any errors occurred while running the script.

    • Forward slashes (/) should be used instead of backslashes when specifying the temp_wmm_full_path/wmm directory. For example: c:/temp_wmm/wmm.

  7. WebSphere Commerce Developer Open WCDE_installdir\wasprofile\config\cells\localhost\wim\config\wimconfig.xml, and make the following changes:

    1. Search for the following text:

      <config:dynamicModel xsdFileName="wimextension.xsd"/>

    2. Change the line to the following text:

      <config:dynamicModel xsdFileName="wimdatagraph.xsd"/>

  8. Restart the WebSphere Commerce server. This enables the migrated LDAP repository to appear in the WebSphere Application Server Administration Console.

  9. Enable WebSphere Application Server Administrative Security with a new Federated Repository, following the instructions in the Configure a single built-in, file-based repository and one or more Lightweight Directory Access Protocol repositories in a federated repository configuration topic in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.

    Notes: Take into account the following notes when following the WebSphere Application Server documentation:

    1. Configure WebSphere Application Server Global security:

      1. Select Administrative security.

      2. Clear Application security, unless it is required.

      3. Clear Java 2 security.

    2. When you Add Base entry to Realm, select the LDAP repository migrated from Member Manager, for example LDAP1, instead of adding a new LDAP repository.

    3. Specify the distinguished name of the Commerce Root Organization in the following fields:

      • Distinguished name of a base entry that uniquely identifies this set of entries in the realm

      • Distinguished name of a base entry in this repository

  10. Enable Global Security in WebSphere Commerce, if it is disabled:

    1. Open Configuration Manager.

    2. Select WebSphere Commerce > node_name > Commerce > Instance List > instance > Instance Properties > Security.

    3. Select Enable Administrative Security.

    4. Enter the Primary Admin User and password that were specified in the WebSphere Application Server Global Security settings.

    5. Ensure Enable Application Security is cleared, unless WebSphere Application Server Application Security is enabled.

    6. Click Apply.

    7. Close Configuration Manager.
    WebSphere Commerce Developer

    1. Modify the wc-server.xml file:

      1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the WCDE_installdir/bin directory.

      2. Use the wcs_encrypt command to generate an encrypted string of your password. Record the ASCII encrypted string.

      3. Open the WC_EAR/xml/config/wc-server.xml file.

      4. Update the Security section:

        <Security AdminUser="PrimaryAdminUserName" 
        passwordpolicy="true" /> 


        • PrimaryAdminUserName is the WebSphere Application Server Primary Administrative User specified in step 9.

        • PrimaryAdminUserPassword is the encrypted password generated by the wcs_encrypt command for the Primary Administrative User specified in step 9.

      5. Save the changes and close the file.

    2. Manually configure additional WebSphere Application Server security properties:

      1. Configure the WebSphere Commerce Test Server properties.

        1. Right-click the server and select Open.

        2. Navigate to the Security panel.

        3. Select Security is enabled on this server.

        4. Enter the user ID and password for the current active authentication settings.

          The user ID and password should be the same as the WebSphere Application Server Primary Administrative User.

        5. Select Automatically trust server certificate during SSL handshake.

  11. If Member Manager was previously configured to use SSL, those settings need to be performed manually. Follow step 13 of Configure Lightweight Directory Access Protocol in a federated repository configuration in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.


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