Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce feature packs > Installing WebSphere Commerce feature packs
Install feature packs interactively
You can install the feature pack using an interactive method which uses a graphical install wizard. After navigating through the install wizard the feature pack will be installed.
Before you begin
To install the WebSphere Commerce feature pack, the system must meet the following prerequisites:
WebSphere Commerce feature pack Prerequisites ![]()
Feature Pack 1
One of the following versions of WebSphere Commerce is installed:
Feature Pack 2One of the following versions of WebSphere Commerce is installed:
- WebSphere Commerce v7.0 with fix pack 2 or later is installed.
- WebSphere Application Server version
To enable coshopping, install WAS feature pack for Communications Enabled Applications (CEA).
- All applicable required iFixes.
Ensure that you have the appropriate privileges:
Log on as the root user.
Log on to a user that has Windows Administrative user rights.
Your WCS instance can be active or stopped during the installation of the WebSphere Commerce feature pack.
- Download the WebSphere Commerce feature pack package.
WebSphere Commerce feature packs are provided in ISO format. Ensure that you mount the DVD correctly.
- Extract the WebSphere Commerce feature pack package into temp directory (FeaturePack_tempdir).
Export the display and access to the X server.
- To launch the installer to install the feature pack...
cd FeaturePack_tempdir/server
- On the Welcome page, review the information and click Next to continue.
- Review the IBM license agreement. If the terms of the license agreement are acceptable, check I accept the terms in the license agreement.
Click Next to continue.
- Review the non-IBM license agreement. If the terms of the license agreement are acceptable, check I accept the terms in the license agreement.
Click Next to continue.
- On the next page, specify the Product installation location.
For WebSphere Commerce specify WC_INSTALL.
Click Next to continue.
- On the Installation summary page, review the information and click Next. A progress bar is displayed while the files are copied to the WebSphere Commerce installation directory.
- When the installation process is complete, a Summary page is displayed indicating success or failure. Review the information on this page, and click Finish.
- Optional: Review the feature pack installation log located in:
- WC_INSTALL/logs/FEPX/install/log.txt
Where X is the number of the feature pack that you have installed.
If the installation failed, see Troubleshoot: WebSphere Commerce feature pack install or uninstall failed.
What to do next
You can now enable the WebSphere Commerce features that are included in the feature pack.To enable a feature, see Enable features.
Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce feature packs