Install > Installing or enabling additional software > Configure Social Commerce
Enable Social Commerce on a platform that does not support sMash in a managed environment
The Social Commerce feature uses WebSphere sMash as an enabling technology. WebSphere sMash is not supported on all of the supported Social Commerce platforms. This page describes how to enable Social Commerce on an platform not supported by sMash
For more information about the supported WebSphere sMash platforms, see:
Before you begin
- Installed and configured WebSphere Commerce in a managed or clustered environment (with a deployment manager).
- At least one node is a supported sMash platform
- WebSphere Commerce is using IBM HTTP Server as the Web server
- Install WebSphere Commerce on the node using the unsupported platform.
- Enable and configure the Social Commerce feature on the node using the unsupported platform, but do not try to start the WC_soccom application. This application cannot be started on the node using the unsupported platform.
- Federate the WebSphere Commerce environment into a WebSphere managed cell.
- Identify a WebSphere Application Server node in the cell that is on a platform that supports sMash. If you do not have such a node in the cell, you may need to install WebSphere Application Server on a suitable machine and federate it in to the cell.
This node is referred to as sMashNode in the rest of the steps on this page.
See the WebSphere Application Server Information Center for more information.
- Target the web module in the WC_Soccom application to sMashNode. For more information on targeting modules, see the Map modules to servers topic in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.
- Open the Administration Console on the deployment manager node.
- Select Application Types > WebSphere enterprise application > WC_Soccom.
- Stop the WC_soccom application.
- Click the WC_soccom application and select Manage modules.
- Target SocMgmtProxy.war to sMashNode.
- Synchronize sMashNode so that the application is propagated to the node from the deployment manager. For more information on WebSphere Application Server node synchronization, see the Add, managing, and removing nodes topic in the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.
- Start server1 on sMashNode.
- Start the WC_soccom application.
- Use the Integration wizard to generate the updated proxy configuration that reflects the updated location of the Social Commerce application. The Web server configuration needs to be updated with this configuration change. Follow the steps in Configure the port that the Social Commerce application listens on to generate and enable the proxy configuration updates.