Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce > Installing WebSphere Commerce using the custom installation > Prepare for a custom installation > Preparing database servers to use with WebSphere Commerce

Use DB2 Database


DB2 install options:

Refer to the v9.5 and v9.7 information centers for up to date installation instructions.

Self-tuning memory

Due to a limitation in DB2 Database V9.5.4, in a remote DB2 environment, the DB2 server self-tuning memory feature is not enabled by default. To turn self-tuning memory, run...

db2 connect to dbname
db2 update db cfg using SELF_TUNING_MEM ON

This problem is also covered by DB2 APAR IZ55341.

64-bit Windows

For 64-bit Windows operating systems, either...

Commerce runs on a 32-bit JVM and does not support the 64-bit client.


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