Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce > Installing WebSphere Commerce using the custom installation > Prepare for a custom installation > Preparing database servers to use with WebSphere Commerce
Use DB2 Database
DB2 install options:
- Use a new local installation of DB2 as installed for you by the installation wizard.
No additional steps are required if you choose this option. DB2 Database V9.5.4 will be installed locally if the Commerce installation wizard does not detect an existing DB2 local installation.
- Use an existing installation of DB2 with Commerce.
To use a remote database, choose this option. Preinstall the IBM Data Server Client on the system before installing Commerce.
Refer to the v9.5 and v9.7 information centers for up to date installation instructions.
Self-tuning memory
Due to a limitation in DB2 Database V9.5.4, in a remote DB2 environment, the DB2 server self-tuning memory feature is not enabled by default. To turn self-tuning memory, run...
db2 connect to dbname
db2 update db cfg using SELF_TUNING_MEM ONThis problem is also covered by DB2 APAR IZ55341.
64-bit Windows
For 64-bit Windows operating systems, either...
- install the 32-bit DB2 client to communicate with the remote database server
- install the 32-bit DB2 server on the local machine
Commerce runs on a 32-bit JVM and does not support the 64-bit client.