Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce > Installing WebSphere Commerce using the custom installation > Prepare for a custom installation > Preparing the systems to run the WebSphere Commerce installation wizard
Create required WebSphere Commerce users and groups
Execute this procedure on LPARs that will contain WebSphere Commerce components including...
- WebSphere Commerce
- WebSphere Commerce Payments
- WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager client
- In a terminal window, run...
su - root
umask 002
useradd non-root_user
- Set the home directory for the wc_user.
You might have to manually create this directory. Set ownership to the non-root user.
- Create a new user group and add the wc_user to the new group, setting the new group as the Primary Group or the Default Group.
groupadd wc_grp
/usr/bin/gpasswd -a wc_user wc_grp
su - wc_user
newgrp wc_grpTake note of the wc_user, user group ID for the non-root user, and the full path of the home directory for the non-root user. This information will be required to complete the WebSphere Commerce installation wizard.
- Edit the wc_user profile and verify the current working directory is part of the PATH variable.
export PATH
- Verify that the wc_user locale code is set properly.
echo $LANGWe want en_US
- Verify the non-root user has no open connections when you start the installation wizard.
To confirm a wc_user is a member of the required groups...
id wc_user
groups wc_userThis command displays all of the groups to which wc_user belongs.
If these user IDs and groups are not set up correctly before starting the WebSphere Commerce installation wizard, the installation wizard will not proceed past the point where the wizard checks for the existence of the required users and groups.
- Update wc_user profile to include DB2
For instructions on creating users, creating user groups, and adding users to groups, refer to the operating system documentation.