Troubleshoot and support > Install > WebSphere Commerce configuration issues

Troubleshoot: Timeouts occur during a server start and store publish

When starting the WebSphere Commerce server or publishing a store, you might encounter a transaction time out.


Transaction timeout errors occur when you are attempting to start the server, or publish a store. For example, the following errors appear in the SystemOut.log:

TimeoutManage I   WTRN0006W: Transaction
9AEE8FD3D1CC3B1A5DC7EEBFC91000000001 has timed out after 1200


This error is caused because the Total Transaction Lifetime Timeout variable is not set to a large enough value. Depending on the size of the store, and the hardware configuration, the default value of 1200 seconds may not be sufficient.

To increase the Total Transaction Lifetime Timeout...

  1. Log into the WAS Administrative Console.

  2. Navigate to Servers > Application Servers > instance > Container Services > Transaction Service.

  3. Update the value of the Total Transaction Lifetime Timeout variable.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Save the changes, and log out of the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.


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