Troubleshoot and support > Install > WebSphere Commerce feature pack issues
Verify feature pack is installed
To check if a feature pack is installed on the machine, run...
$WC_INSTALL/bin/versionInfo.shOutput include product information. For example:
- Feature Pack 1:
Installed Product ------------------------------------------------ Name IBM WebSphere Commerce Version ID wc.fep1 Build Level xxxxxxx Build Date xx/xx/xx
- Feature Pack 2:
Installed Product ------------------------------------------------ Name IBM WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 2 Version ID wc.fep2 Build Level xxxxxxx Build Date xx/xx/xx
- Feature Pack 3:
Installed Product ------------------------------------------------ Name IBM WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 3 Version ID wc.fep3 Build Level xxxxxxx Build Date xx/xx/xx
- Feature Pack 3.0.1:
Installed Product ------------------------------------------------ Name IBM WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack 3 Version ID wc.fep301 Build Level xxxxxxx Build Date xx/xx/xx
- Feature Pack 4:
Installed Product ------------------------------------------------ Name IBM WebSphere Commerce Feature Pack Version ID wc.fep4 Build Level xxxxxxx Build Date xx/xx/xx
If the output does not include an entry for the feature pack you are installing, the feature pack has not been installed properly. Last updated: 30 October 2009