Samples > Sample stores > Consumer direct sample store > IBM Gift Center for the Consumer direct sample store > IBM Gift Center
Customize the component and data service layers
The component (business logic) and data service layers are closely related. The component layer involves either extending services or creating new ones. The data service layer involves creating new Business Object Document (BOD) commands.
- Extend existing code
As an example of extending existing IBM Gift Center code, this section describes how to extend the ValidateGiftRegistryValuesCmd class for the update gift registry service, while extending the class with a new one called MyValidateGiftRegistryValuesCmd. Thus, update gift registry will include the MyValidateGiftregistryValuesCmd command, in addition to the existing commands.
- Create BOD commands
The associated BOD command for the UpdateGiftRegistryCmd class is UpdateGiftRegistryBOD. You can create additional BOD commands for new services. As an example, this section illustrates how to create a new service to store a "fraud list". This is a list of e-mail addresses that you can use to restrict users, with a history of fraudulent or unethical behavior, from creating gift registries at the store.
Related concepts
Related reference
Overview of customizing IBM Gift Center