Samples >
Sample stores
A sample store is for learning purposes, many tutorials use sample stores. Do not use a sample store as the base for the site. Sample stores might not be accessible or translated.
- Consumer direct sample store
The consumer direct sample store illustrates the tasks that a consumer can perform at a retailer's e-commerce site in the framework of the consumer direct business model.
- B2B direct starter store
The B2B starter store illustrates the tasks that a buyer can perform at a seller's e-commerce site in the framework of the B2B direct business model.
- Demand Chain starter store (Commerce Plaza) overview
There are two B2B indirect business models: demand chain and supply chain. The Commerce Plaza sample is part of the demand chain.
- Supply chain business model
A supply chain is composed of the enterprises that provide services to a business. WebSphere Commerce provides the architectural infrastructure to support supply chains that take the form of a private marketplace, as well as through supplier sites.
- Extended Sites starter store
Use the Extended Sites starter store to get started on setting up a extended sites solution that will allow the selling organization to provide unique storefronts for different enterprise customers or showcase a number of branded storefronts.
- d246e3