Samples > Sample stores > Consumer direct sample store > IBM Gift Center for the Consumer direct sample store > IBM Gift Center > Customize the Web (presentation) layer > IBM Gift Center actions

UserGiftRegistryAdminCreate action

This action combines creating a store user registry profile with creating a gift registry profile for a new (unregistered) customer. This command is executed by a gift consultant, creating a gift registry on behalf of a customer. The UserGiftRegistryAdminCreate action is a wrapper that calls UserRegistrationAdminAdd (a WebSphere Commerce command) and GiftRegistryCreate (a base IBM Gift Center action).

Use this command with SSL to ensure that all personal information is encrypted.

To do so, type the command with the HTTPS secure protocol.

URL structure


The fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path (for example, is fully qualified).
Diagram of the URL structure: The URL starts with the fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path, followed by the URL name, , and the ? character. End the URL with a list of parameters in the form of name-value pairs. Separate each <a href=name-value pair with the & character. For a detailed description of the parameters and their values, see the list entitled Parameter values." />

Parameter values

The UserGiftRegistryAdminCreate action calls UserRegistrationAdminAdd and GiftRegistryCreate. Refer to the parameter values for UserRegistrationAdminAdd and GiftRegistryCreate for details.


The following example illustrates a gift consultant creating a ConsumerDirect store registration profile and a gift registry profile for the gift registrant John Smith, who has asked the gift consultant to help him register for his wedding anniversary on May 25, 2006. The gift consultant has set up the logon ID for both store and the gift registry as jsmith. The gift registry is for a store with the ID of 10001. The gift consultant has set up registry access passwords for the customer, and for any gift givers that he has invited to use the gift registry.

&address1_1=123 Main Street&city_1=Toronto&state_1=Ontario &country_1=Canada


Exception conditions

Refer to the exceptions described for the UserRegistrationAdminAdd and the GiftRegistryCreate.

Related reference

IBM Gift Center actions


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