Samples > Sample stores > Consumer direct sample store > IBM Gift Center for the Consumer direct sample store > IBM Gift Center > Customize the Web (presentation) layer > IBM Gift Center actions

GiftRegistryAnnouncementPost action

This action stores announcement information that the gift registrant can use to notify gift givers of information regarding the gift registry or event. Optionally, the action also sends these announcements by e-mail.

URL structure


The fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path (for example, is fully qualified).
Diagram of the URL structure: The URL starts with the fully qualified name of the WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path, followed by the URL name, , and the ? character. End the URL with a list of parameters in the form of name-value pairs. Separate each <a href=name-value pair with the & character. For a detailed description of the parameters and their values, see the list entitled Parameter values." />

Parameter values


Required: The URL to be called when the action completes successfully.


Required: The store reference number, which is required to help identify to which stores a gift registry belongs.


Required: The e-mail subject or announcement description that the gift registrant will send to gift givers.


Required: The e-mail address of the gift registrant who is sending the announcement.


Required: The unique identifier for the gift registry.


A parameter that overrides the error view when an error occurs.


The name of the gift registrant who is sending the announcement.


A list of e-mail addresses for gift givers who will receive the announcement. Separate each e-mail address with a comma (for example, &,, Optionally, you can specify the recipient names with their e-mail addresses (for example, Anne <>, Bill <>, Charlie Miller <>). If the recipients, recipientEmail_i, or recipientName_i parameters are specified, the recipients value takes precedence.


The name corresponding to the e-mail address for the gift giver who will receive the announcement. If there are multiple recipients, specify as recipientName_1, recipientName_2, recipientName_3, and so on (for example, recipientName_1=Anne&recipientName_2=Bill&recipientName_3=Charlie Miller). If the recipients, recipientEmail_i, or recipientName_i parameters are specified, the recipients value takes precedence.


The message that the gift registrant wants to announce to gift givers.


Specifies whether e-mails should be sent to gift givers. The e-mail can be composed and saved, to be sent at a later date. Valid values are as follows:


(Default) Send the announcement.


Wait to send the announcement.


Specifies whether a copy of the announcement should be sent to the gift registrant sending the announcement. Valid values are as follows:


(Default) Send a copy of the announcement to the gift registrant.


Do not send a copy of the announcement to the gift registrant.


The template that the gift registrant wants to use for the announcement, as specified in the GRANNTMPLT database table.


The following example illustrates a gift registrant's announcement about a milestone wedding anniversary and additional gift ideas for gift givers associated with gift registry 888 at store 1001. The gift registrant will e-mail this announcement to the specified e-mail addresses.

URL=GiftRegistryAnnouncementView&storeId=1001&subject=Added More Gift Options
&externalId=888&,, is a milestone wedding 
anniversary - our 50th! We added more items to our gift registry.


Exception conditions

Related concepts

IBM Gift Center architecture

Related reference

IBM Gift Center actions

Overview of customizing IBM Gift Center


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