Samples > Sample stores > Consumer direct sample store > IBM Gift Center for the Consumer direct sample store > IBM Gift Center > Customize the Web (presentation) layer > IBM Gift Center actions
GiftRegistryItemUpdate action
This action updates the quantity requested for an item that a gift registrant has selected for a gift registry. For example, the gift registrant can add an additional place setting for dinnerware previously selected as part of the gift registry.
URL structure
name-value pair with the & character. For a detailed description of the parameters and their values, see the list entitled Parameter values." />
- http://host/path/
- The fully qualified name of the WebSphereCommerce server and the configuration path (for example, is fully qualified).
Parameter values
- Required: The URL to be called when the action completes successfully.
- storeId
- Required: The store reference number, which is required to help identify to which stores a gift registry belongs.
- catEntryId_i
- Required: The unique identifier for a catalog item.
- partNumber_i
- (Required if the catEntryId parameter is not specified) A unique identifier for the item to be updated in the gift registry. If both the partNumber and catEngryId parameters are specified, the partNumber value takes precedence.
- memberId_i
- (Required if the partNumber parameter is specified) A unique identifier for, or owner of, the partNumber.
- giftItemId_i
- (Required if the partNumber_i or memberId_i parameter is not specified) A unique identifier for the item to be updated in the gift registry. If the giftItemId_i, catEngryId, and partNumber parameters are specified, the giftItemId_i value takes precedence.
- externalId
- Required: The unique identifier for the gift registry.
- errorViewName
- Overrides the error view (as defined in section Exception conditions) when an error occurs.
- quantity_i
- The quantity of this item, specified by the gift registrant. Note that this is the total quantity, not the additional quantity. The default is 1.
- quantityBought_i
- The quantity of this item already bought by a gift giver. This value must be greater than or equal to 0. The default is 0.
- location
- The method by which, or physical location where, the gift registrant created the gift registry (for example, online, by in-store kiosk, or through a call center). The default is online.
The following example updates the quantity of item 5000 from 10 to 12, for gift registry 888 at store 1001.
http://myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/GiftRegistryItemUpdate?URL=/webapp /wcs/stores/servlet/&storeId=1001&catEntryId_1=5000&externalId=888&quantity_1=12
- Upon successful completion, the specified URL is called.
- Updates details about a gift item listed in an existing gift registry.
Exception conditions
- If a required parameter is not specified, the system throws an exception with the _ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAMETER message key.
- If an invalid parameter is specified, the system throws an exception with the ERR_CMD_BAD_PARAMETER message key.
- If an invalid product is specified, the system throws an exception with the ERR_PROD_NOT_EXISTING message key. For this error, the action passes exception data in the form of name-value pairs. Specifically, multiplePartNumberList specifies the part numbers for invalid products, and multiplePartNumberQuantityList specifies the corresponding requested quantities (one for each part number).
- If a product is not eligible for to be updated (for example, the product is being discontinued), the system throws an exception with the ERR_PROD_NOT_ELIGIBLE message key. For this error, the action passes exception data in the form of name-value pairs. Specifically, multiplePartNumberList specifies the part numbers for non-eligible products, and multiplePartNumberQuantityList specifies the corresponding requested quantities (one for each part number).
- If the system cannot find the gift registry profile to update, the system throws an exception with the _ERR_REGISTRY_NOT_FOUND message key.
- If the system cannot find the catalog entry in the system, the system throws an exception with the _ERR_PRODUCT_NOT_FOUND message. For this error, the action passes exception data in the form of name-value pairs. Specifically, multiplePartNumberList specifies the part numbers for invalid catalog entries, and multiplePartNumberQuantityList specifies the corresponding requested quantities (one for each part number).
- If the system encounters a security problem, such as a user attempting to access the gift registry without the appropriate authorization, the system throws an exception with the message key _ERR_NOT_AUTHORIZED.
Related concepts
Related reference
Overview of customizing IBM Gift Center