Develop > Controller layer > Integrate with back-end systems and external applications > Distributed Order Management (DOM) integration > Configure Distributed Order Management (DOM) integration with the external OMS simulator

Configure the external OMS simulator mediation module on WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus

The external OMS simulator mediation module is configured to communicate with WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus (WESB).

You can obtain the ExtOMSSimMediationModule.ear by completing Accept a WESB mediation module for DOM integration and then exporting the mediation module as an EAR file.

And as a shortcut, the final step contains a completed project interchange file. You can import the project interchange into the WID workspace, follow the steps to copy the Foundation-Core.jar and Foundation-Server.jar to the mediation module project, and then export the mediation module as an EAR file.


  1. Start the WebSphere Commerce Server.

  2. Start the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus server.

  3. Start the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Administrative Console.

  4. Install the ExtOMSSimMediationModule.ear file. See Install a mediation module EAR file with the console.

  5. Update the endpoint URL of the ExtOMSSim web services import binding:

    1. In the navigation pane, expand Applications > SCA Modules to list the SCA modules.

    2. Choose the ExtOMSSimMediationModule module.

    3. In the content pane, expand Imports under Module components to list the SCA module imports.

    4. Expand the ExtOMSSim import.

    5. Expand Binding to display its import bindings.

    6. Choose the Web service [ExtOMSSimService/ExtOMSSim] import binding.

    7. Change the endpoint URL to the following:

      • http://hostname:9980/ExtOMSSimWeb/services/ExtOMSSim

    8. Save the changes to the master configuration.

  6. Verify the mediation module has been successfully enabled by navigating to the following URL:

    • http://hostname:9080/ExtOMSSimMediationModuleWeb/sca/InventoryServices/wsdl/wsdl/ExtOMSSimMediationModule_InventoryServices.wsdl

  7. Optional: Use a web services client to test the mediation module.

    For example, the following request tests the mediation between the WebSphere Commerce GetInventoryAvailability web services operation and the external OMS simulator getInventory web services operation:

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <wsse:Security xmlns:wsse="">
    <wsse:Password Type=""/>
    <soapenv:Body><xinv:GetInventoryAvailability versionID="" xmlns:Oagis9="" xmlns:_wcf="" xmlns:xinv="" xmlns:xsi="">  
    <Oagis9:ApplicationArea xsi:type="_wcf:ApplicationAreaType">    
    <Oagis9:Expression expressionLanguage="_wcf:XPath">{_wcf.ap=IBM_Store_Details}/InventoryAvailability[InventoryAvailabilityIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier[CatalogEntryIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier[(PartNumber=&apos;FULO-0101&apos;)] and OnlineStoreIdentifier/ExternalIdentifier[(NameIdentifier=&apos;Madisons&apos;)]]]</Oagis9:Expression>    

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">   
    <xinv:ShowInventoryAvailability xmlns:_wcf="" xmlns:oa="" xmlns:udt="" xmlns:xinv="">         
    <oa:CreationDateTime xsi:type="udt:DateTimeType">2008-10-21T19:05:27Z</oa:CreationDateTime>         
    <xinv:InventoryStatus xsi:type="xinv:InventoryStatusEnumerationType">Available</xinv:InventoryStatus>               
    <xinv:AvailableQuantity uom="C62">100.0</xinv:AvailableQuantity>            

  8. Log off the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus Administrative Console.

  9. Stop the WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus server.

  10. Stop the WebSphere Commerce Server.

Previous topic: Install the external OMS simulator

Next topic: Configure the external OMS simulator mediation module on WebSphere Integration Developer


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