Develop > Controller layer > Integrate with back-end systems and external applications > Distributed Order Management (DOM) integration > Configure Distributed Order Management (DOM) integration with the external OMS simulator

Install the external OMS simulator

The external OMS simulator is installed as an enterprise application and tested using a Web services client. It is used to simulate the behavior of a DOM system, where generic inventory levels are generated and used in the storefront to display stock availability.


  1. Install ExtOMSSim as an enterprise application.

    • Install ExtOMSSim as an enterprise application using the WAS Administrative Console:

      1. Start the WebSphere Commerce Server.

      2. Open the WAS Administrative Console.

      3. Navigate to Applications > Install New Applications.

      4. Install ExtOMSSim.ear, contained in the .zip file archive, as an enterprise application with the following properties:

        Property Value
        Map modules to servers server1
        Map virtual hosts for Web modules ExtOMSSimWeb

    • Install ExtOMSSim.ear as an enterprise application project using WebSphere Commerce Developer:

      1. Launch WebSphere Commerce Developer.

      2. Import ExtOMSSim.ear, contained in the .zip file archive, as an EAR file into the workspace, and add the resulting ExtOMSSim enterprise application project to the server.

      3. Start the WebSphere Commerce test server.

  2. Create the ExtOMSSimWeb virtual host, if it has not been created automatically during the preceding step.

    1. In the WAS Administrative Console, navigate to Environment > Virtual Hosts

    2. Click New and create a new virtual host with the following properties:

      Property Value
      Name ExtOMSSimWeb
      Host aliases *:9980

  3. In the WAS Administrative Console, navigate to Servers > Application servers > server1.

    1. Expand Web Container Settings and select Web container transport chains.

    2. Click New and create a new transport chain with the following properties:

      Property Value
      Transport chain name ExtOMSSimWeb
      Port name ExtOMSSimWeb
      Host *
      Port 9980

  4. Restart the following servers:

    • Restart the WebSphere Commerce server.

    • Restart the WebSphere Commerce test server.

  5. Verify the external OMS simulator has been successfully enabled by navigating to the following URL: http://hostname:9980/ExtOMSSimWeb/services/ExtOMSSim?wsdl

  6. Use a Web services client, for example, Rational Application Developer's Web Services Explorer, to test the external OMS simulator.

    The following request tests its getInventory Web services operation:

    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:q0="http://test" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">  
    <string>Madisons Home</string>      

    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <p316:getInventoryResponse xmlns:p316="http://test">
    <fulfillmentCenterId>Madisons Home</fulfillmentCenterId>

  7. Close the Administration Console.

  8. Stop the following servers:

Next topic: Configure the external OMS simulator mediation module on WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus


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