Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > I
WebSphere Commerce database table: ICKNOWLEDG
This table is deprecated and is provided for backward compatibility only. This table stores the questions and answers generated by the Guided Sell metaphor.
Column Name Column Type Description TREEID INTEGER NOT NULL The internal reference number of the question and answer tree. Foreign key to the ICMERTREE table. CONCEPTID INTEGER NOT NULL The internal reference number of the concept (question or answer). PARENTCONCEPTID INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. STOREID INTEGER The internal reference number of the store for which this concept was created. CLASSNAME CHAR(100) NOT NULL Java class name for a question or an answer. For example, METAPHORLINKID INTEGER The metaphor to which this answer is linked. ORDERSEQUENCE INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Order sequence of the concepts within a tree. RANKING DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Reserved for IBM internal use. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000120 TREEID+PARENTCONCEPTID+CLASSNAME+ORDERSEQUENCE Unique Index SQL100520030342750 CONCEPTID Primary Key I0000121 STOREID Non-Unique Index I0001296 PARENTCONCEPTID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_366 PARENTCONCEPTID ICKNOWLEDG CONCEPTID Cascade F_365 TREEID ICMERTREE TREEID Cascade F_971 STOREID STORE STORE_ID Cascade
Referenced By Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_354 CONCEPTID ICCNCPTLNK CONCEPTID Cascade F_355 CONCEPTID ICCONSTRNT CONCEPTID Cascade F_363 CONCEPTID ICKNOWDESC CONCEPTID Cascade F_366 PARENTCONCEPTID ICKNOWLEDG CONCEPTID Cascade
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