Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > E
WebSphere Commerce database table: EDPPAYINST
This table stores the information of the value object container Payment Instruction in Payment Rules.
Column Name Column Type Description EDPPAYINST_ID BIGINT NOT NULL unique Payment Instruction identifier EDPORDER_ID BIGINT CMR relationship with EDPOrder AMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 the total amount of the payment instruction SEQUENCENUMBER INTEGER NOT NULL the rank of the payment instruction against the other payment instructions in the EDPOrder. PRIORITY INTEGER NOT NULL the rank of the priority against other types of payment instructions; this information is copied from the configuration when the payment instruction is created HUMANEDITABLE INTEGER NOT NULL if this payment instruction can have its amount changed by a customer request; this information is copied from the configuration when the payment instruction is created SYSTEMEDITABLE INTEGER NOT NULL if this payment instruction can have its amount changed by the system without checking with the customer; this information is copied from the configuration when the payment instruction is created MAXAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT -1.00000 the maximum amount that can be used from this payment instruction(if editable, this threshold cannot be crossed); this information is copied from the configuration when the payment instruction is created MINAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 the minimum amount that can be used from this payment instruction (if editable, this threshold cannot be crossed); this information is copied from the configuration when the payment instruction is created MARKFORDELETE INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The flag indicates whether this object has been marked for deletion. 0: not marked for deletion 1: marked for deletion DEPRECATED INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 indicates whether this object has been deprecated; canceled objects should not be deleted DIRTY INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 indicates if this Payment Instruction needs to be edited before it can be used again REFUNDALLOWED INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 indicates if a Refund can be executed against an order that uses this Payment Instruction; if the flag is false, refunds are not allowed for the order; this information is copied from the configuration when the Payment Instruction is created PENDING INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 indicates if a background payment thread is still working on this Payment Instruction; if the flag is true, the payment instruction cannot be used PAYMENTRULE VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL the name of the rule configuration of the associated payment method; this information is copied from the configuration when the PI is created PAYMENTMETHOD VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL the payment method of the payment instruction; for example, Visa, MasterCard, GiftCertificate PAYMENTSYSTEM VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL the payment system that is to be used to process payment actions related to this payment instruction; for example, VisaNet, PaymentTech; this information is copied from the configuration when the PI is created BACKENDPIID VARCHAR(64) the associated backend payment instruction object in WebSphere Commerce Payments OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Reserved for IBM internal use. PAYCONFIGGROUP VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL The payment configuration group used by this payment instruction object POLICY_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The payment policy ID of the payment method used by this object. FIELD1 INTEGER customizable FIELD2 VARCHAR(254) customizable FIELD3 VARCHAR(254) customizable
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030330310 EDPPAYINST_ID Primary Key I0000844 EDPORDER_ID Non-Unique Index I0000845 BACKENDPIID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_1096 EDPORDER_ID EDPORDER EDPORDER_ID Cascade
Referenced By Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_1097 EDPPAYINST_ID EDPATMPAY EDPPAYINST_ID Cascade F_1159 EDPPAYINST_ID EDPPAYHIST EDPPAYINST_ID Cascade _vcc_freeselect_bottom_