Reference > Database > WebSphere Commerce database tables > E
WebSphere Commerce database table: EDPATMPAY
This table stores the value object Payment Instruction in WebSphere Commerce which contains the detailed information required by plug-ins to process financial transactions. The amount in the payment instruction can be used by plug-ins to determine what is the maximum target amount the WebSphere Commerce Payments intends to consume collectively.
Column Name Column Type Description EDPATMPAY_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Atomic Payment unique identifier (generated) EDPPAYINST_ID BIGINT identifier of the payment instruction in Payment Rules this Atomic Payment object associates to. CMR relationship with PaymentInstruction TOTALAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 total amount of the Atomic Payment VALIDATIONAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 total amount of the Atomic Payment that has been processed during the call to primePayment RESERVATIONAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 amount of the Atomic Payment that has been processed during reservePayment calls FINALIZATIONAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 amount of the Atomic Payment that has been processed during finalizePayment calls VALIDATINGAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 amount of the Atomic Payment that is being processed by primePayment backend payment thread or that is not ready yet due to pending actions RESERVINGAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 amount of the Atomic Payment that is being processed by reservePayment backend payment thread or is not ready yet due to pending actions FINALIZINGAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00000 amount of the Atomic Payment that is being processed by finalizePayment backend payment thread or is not ready yet due to pending actions MARKFORDELETE INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The flag indicates whether this object has been marked for deletion. 0: not marked for deletion 1: marked for deletion BACKENDPAYMENTID VARCHAR(64) identifier of the associated backend payment object OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Reserved for IBM internal use. FIELD1 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable. FIELD2 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable. FIELD3 VARCHAR(254) Customizable.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL100520030329720 EDPATMPAY_ID Primary Key I0000846 EDPPAYINST_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_1097 EDPPAYINST_ID EDPPAYINST EDPPAYINST_ID Cascade _vcc_freeselect_bottom_