Administer > Transforming, loading, and extracting data > Overview of the mass load utilities > Resolve identifiers
Create an XML file to use unique-index ID resolution
Use the unique-index resolution, which is the default behavior of the idresgen utility when:
- There is no entry in the properties file for the table being analyzed.
- There is no properties file.
Unique-index resolution uses any of the specified unique indexes on a table as a means of locating the identifier.
To update the contents of the database, know the unique key from the primary table in the database. You can query the database to find this out. For example, a DB2 command for retrieving a unique key will look similar to the following:
db2 describe indexes for table schema.tablename show detail
Partial example of unique-index resolution
Before resolution:
<MEMBER MEMBER_ID="100" TYPE="O" STATE="1" /> <CATALOG CATALOG_ID="@WC2001@100" DESCRIPTION="Winter Catalog" IDENTIFIER="WC2001" MEMBER_ID="100" TPCLEVEL="2" /> <CATALOGDSC CATALOG_ID="@WC2001@100" Refers back to catalog "WC2001" of member "100" (Note: The order is important.) FULLIMAGE="c:\store\img\wc.gif" LANGUAGE_ID="-1" LONGDESCRIPTION="2001 Winter Catalog" SHORTDESCRIPTION="2001 Winter Catalog" NAME="B2B direct 2001 Winter Catalog" THUMBNAIL="c:\store\img\wc_th.gif" />
After resolution:
<MEMBER MEMBER_ID="100" TYPE="O" STATE="1" /> <CATALOG CATALOG_ID="10351" A utomatically generated primary key DESCRIPTION="Winter Catalog" IDENTIFIER="WC2001" MEMBER_ID="100" TPCLEVEL="2" /> <CATALOGDSC CATALOG_ID="10351" Refers to the correct catalog FULLIMAGE="c:\store\img\wc.gif" LANGUAGE_ID="-1" LONGDESCRIPTION="2001 Winter Catalog" SHORTDESCRIPTION="2001 Winter Catalog" NAME="B2B direct 2001 Winter Catalog" THUMBNAIL="c:\store\img\wc_th.gif" />
Related concepts
Overview of the mass load utilities
Related tasks
Configure the idresgen utility
Specify a properties file with the idresgen utility
Create an XML file to use internal-alias ID resolution
Related reference