Administer > Transforming, loading, and extracting data

Overview of the mass load utilities

The mass load utility provides an efficient way to load large amount of data. However, the new enhanced business object based loading utility (data load utility) is the recommended loading utility.

To load large amounts of data and to update data in the WebSphere Commerce database using the mass load utility, follow these basic steps:

  1. Generate a document type definition (DTD) using the dtdgen utility.

  2. Resolve identifiers in the input files using the idresgen utility.

  3. Load the data using the massload utility.

  4. Load managed files using the fileloader utility.


  1. txttransform utility
  2. xmltransform utility
  3. dtdgen utility
  4. idresgen utility
  5. massload utility (Server environment)
  6. fileloader utility
  7. massextract utility
  8. Overview of loading store data
  9. Configure the loading utilities
  10. Generate a DTD
  11. Transforming character-delimited text to XML
  12. Transforming XML data
  13. Resolve identifiers
  14. Load data using the mass load utility
  15. Load managed files
  16. Extract data

Related concepts

Load data into workspaces
Overview of the data load utility
Overview of loading store data

Related tasks

Configure the environment variable setting scripts
Configure tracing and logging for the loading utilities
Transforming character-delimited text to XML
Transforming XML data
Generate a DTD
Resolve identifiers
Load data using the mass load utility
Load managed files
Load a store
Load database asset groups

Extract data

Related reference

txttransform utility
xmltransform utility
dtdgen utility
massextract utility
idresgen utility
massload utility (Server environment)
fileloader utility


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