Administer > Transforming, loading, and extracting data > Overview of the mass load utilities > Configure the loading utilities

Configure the file

Configure the files if you want to change the massload utility's behavior.

You can change the behavior in the following ways:

All of these changes are optional.

To configure the file:


  1. Open the following file in the text editor:

    • WC_INSTALL/xml/loader/

    • workspace_dir/wc/xml/loader/

  2. Set the massload utility to ignore elements in the input file.

    If the input file contains elements that do not map to the target database, you can set the massload utility to ignore those elements in the massload utility customizer property file. Use the IgnoreElements parameter to specify elements to ignore, and separate these elements with a semicolon (;). For example, to ignore the import, literals, and ProductRepository elements, set the IgnoreElements parameter...

    IgnoreElements = import;literals;ProductRepository

    By default, the massload utility does not ignore any elements in the input file.

  3. Adjust how the massload utility manages event queues.

    The massload utility has two parameters that control how it manages event queues. The QueueHighCount parameter sets the number of elements in the queue that blocks the queue from accepting more events. The QueueLowCount parameter sets the number of elements in the queue that allows a blocked queue to accept more events.

    For example:

    QueueLowCount = 35
    QueueHighCount = 90

    The source of the events filling the queue is blocked when the number of elements in the queue reaches the higher limit, preventing more events from queuing up. The queue begins accepting events again when the number of elements in the queue falls below the lower limit.

  4. Configure how the massload utility handles timestamp and date data.

  5. Save the changes.

Previous topic: Configure the massload utility

Next topic: Configure timestamp and date data handling

Related concepts

Overview of the mass load utilities

Related reference

massload utility (Server environment)


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