Develop > Persistence layer > Data assets

Add a currency

You can add a currency by loading an XML file.

To add a currency to the store using an XML file:


  1. Create an XML file that uses the wc.dtd as shown in the following example:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE import SYSTEM "wcs.dtd">
    <!-- Insert currency asset information here  -->

  2. Within the import element, add CURLIST elements followed by CURCONVERT elements.

    You must populate these columns of the CURLIST table:

    • storeent_id

    • currstr

    You must populate these columns of the CURCONVERT table:

    • storeent_id

    • fromcurr

    • tocurr

    • factor

    • multiplyordivide

    • bidirectional

    • updatable

    • curconvert_id

  3. Optionally, to display prices both in the shopping currency, and a counter currency (for example, display prices in both the Netherlands guilder and the euro), also add information to the CURCVLIST table.

    You must populate these columns of the CURCVLIST table:

    • storeent_id

    • currstr

    • countervaluecurr

    • displayseq

  4. Run the idresgen utility to resolve entities in the XML file.

  5. Run the massload utility against the XML file to load your data into the target database.

Related tasks

Load a store

Load database asset groups

Related reference

idresgen utility

massload utility (Server environment)

Currency data model

Database asset groups dependencies


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