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Product Compare

In an Elite starter store enabled with Order and Quote Capture Integration, the Product Compare page may additionally display Get My Offer Price links for the products being compared.

For information on the Product Compare page of the base Elite starter store, refer to Product Compare. The Get My Offer Price link is displayed for each product based upon the offer price cache hit. First, the offer price cache is checked for a record for the price of the product. If the record exists, the offer price value from the record is displayed, instead of the Get My Offer Price link.

Product Compare screen displaying the Get My Offer Price link

Product Compare screen displaying the cached Offer Price

When a customer clicks the Get My Offer Price link, an AJAX request is made to the relevant jsp file. The jsp calls a price data bean. The data bean, in turn, makes a web service request to the external system. Using the data bean response, a JSON object is constructed in the jsp and sent back to the client. Next, the Get My Offer Price link is removed and the offer price is displayed in the client.

In case of an exception, an appropriate message is displayed to the customer.

Also, the root cause of the exception is logged in the SystemOut.log so that the administrator is aware of the issue.

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