Develop > Controller layer > Order and quote capture integration > Order and Quote Capture Integration in Elite starter store
Order and Quote Capture Integration changes in the Elite starter store
Certain tasks and site pages in the Elite starter store undergo changes when the Order and Quote Capture Integration is enabled in the Elite starter store.
The following table lists the tasks that a customer needs to do differently and the site pages that appear different while performing these tasks when the Order and Quote Capture Integration is enabled for the Elite starter store of WebSphere Commerce.
For a more comprehensive list of changes to the store pages, refer to Changes in Store pages.
Table 1. Task flow changes Task Base Elite store Integrated store Related store page View the product price when browsing the catalog Automatically displayed to the customer The price is retrieved from the external system. The price is automatically displayed to the user only if the price record from the external system exists in the WebSphere Commerce price cache. Otherwise, the customer needs to click the Get My Offer Price link to view the price.
- Product Details
- Product Compare
Provide shipping and billing information The customer enters the shipping, billing, and schedule order information on a single page. The customer specifies the shipping information on the Shipping page and the Schedule Order and Billing information on the Billing page.
- Billing
- Ship
Create quotes The customer cannot create quotes. The customer can choose to create a quote from the current order, instead of submitting it to the external system for order processing. Order Summary Get order confirmation The order number as available in the WebSphere Commerce database is displayed. The order number as generated in the external system is displayed. Order Confirmation Get quote confirmation The customer cannot create quotes. The quote number as generated in the external system is displayed. Quote Confirmation View orders The customer views the order listing and order details as available in the WebSphere Commerce database. The customer views the order listing and order details available in the external system. Customers view all the orders placed by them in the external system, irrespective of the channel used. My Orders View quotes The customer cannot create or view quotes. The customer views the quote listing and quote details available in the external system. Customers view all the quotes submitted by them in the external system, irrespective of the channel used. My Quotes
- Changes in Store pages
The Order and Quote Capture Integration introduces several changes in site pages and interactions in the Elite starter store.
- Catalog browsing flows
When browsing the catalog in an Elite starter store with the Order and Quote Capture Integration enabled, the offer prices for specific items displayed on the Product Details and Product Compare pages are the values as available in the external system.
- Checkout flows
Within the product checkout flows, the customer gets an additional option to create and submit quotes out of a shopping cart. Also, the customer needs to fill up the shipping and billing information separately on two pages.
- My Account Flows
The Order and Quote Capture Integration introduces the View Quotes flow in the My Account Flows. The customer can view a listing and details of the quotes they submitted in the external system, irrespective of the channel used to submit the quote.