Install > Installing WebSphere Commerce feature packs > Enable features
Enable WebSphere Commerce foundation
The WebSphere Commerce foundation enablement script adds new services and updates existing services required to support feature pack features.
To support personalization in remote widgets and feeds, persistent sessions and personalization ID must be enabled. When you run the enablement script, the script checks the WebSphere Commerce configuration file for the current settings:
- If persistent sessions are already enabled, the script does not change the settings.
If persistent sessions are disabled, the script enables persistent sessions but sets the Cookie expiry (days) value to -1. As a result, sessions will not actually be persisted because the number of days is a negative number. You can change the Cookie expiry (days) value to a positive number of days at any time so that sessions are persisted.
- If personalization ID is already enabled, the script does not change this setting. If personalization ID is disabled, the script enables personalization ID.
- If WebSphere Commerce is managed by WAS ND, start the deployment manager and all node agents. Your cluster can also be started.
If WebSphere Commerce is not managed by WAS ND (dmgr), start server1.
Verify the test server is stopped and that Rational Application Developer is not running.
- Ensure that you have installed a WebSphere Commerce feature pack.
Determine how you will deploy the search server:
- Deploy the WebSphere Commerce search server locally (standard deployment mode)
- Deploy the WebSphere Commerce search server remotely (advanced deployment mode)
- If you are using a staging server, run the stagingprop utility before proceeding with feature enablement.
After stagingprop, check the STAGLOG database table and ensure all the records are marked as processed. That is, STAGLOG.STGPROCESSED=1. back up the STAGLOG table (export the table), then clean up the STAGLOG table (delete from STAGLOG).
- Log on with appropriate authority:
A non-root user.
A user ID that is a member of the Windows Administration group.
- Go to the following directory:
As the WebSphere Commerce non-root user, increase the file handle limit...
ulimit -n 8192
Note: First issue the command as a root user; then rerun the command as a non-root user.
- Run the enablement script:
config_ant.bat -buildfile WC_INSTALL/components/common/xml/enableFeature.xml -DinstanceName=instance -DfeatureName=foundation -DdbUserPassword=db_password [-DdbaPassword=dba_password]
./ -buildfile WC_INSTALL/components/common/xml/enableFeature.xml \ -DinstanceName=instance \ -DfeatureName=foundation \ -DdbUserPassword=db_password \ [-DdbaPassword=dba_password]
enableFeature.bat -DfeatureName=foundation [-DdbaPassword=dba_password]
The search server is deployed when the foundation feature is enabled. To deploy the search server on a remote server, specify the parameter -DremoteSearchEngine=true.
The dba_password is required only if you are enabling the feature on an Authoring server.
If the script runs successfully:
The message BUILD SUCCESSFUL is displayed in the console and in...
WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/logs/enablefoundation_timestamp.logFor additonal info, see:
The message enableFeature.bat completed is displayed in the command window.
For additonal information, see:
- If the server is configured with an LDAP server, restart your WebSphere Commerce Server after verifying a successful enablement.
Republish the application:
- Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Enterprise Explorer view.
- Start the WebSphere Commerce Test Server. Some errors are displayed in the console, these errors can be safely ignored.
- In the Servers view, right-click the test server then click Publish.
- Wait for the application to finish publishing and to restart. Ensure that no errors are displayed.
- If you customized a previous version of Management Center, see Migrate Management Center to migrate those customization to the latest version Management Center.
- Verify that the application starts successfully.
- Access the following URL:
http://hostname:8007/webapp/wcs/component/member/services/MemberServicesThe following page is displayed:
{}MemberServices Hi there, this is a Web service!
- If the server where you are installing the feature uses staging tools or is a staging server:
Execute this step once, even if you enable and disable the feature multiple times.
- Back up the following base staging SQL files:
- WC_INSTALLschema/db_type/wcs.stage.trigger.sql
- WC_INSTALLschema/db_type/wcs.droptrigger.sql
- Append the contents of...
WC_INSTALL/components/component-services/schema/fep1/db_type/ the end of...
WC_INSTALL/schema/db_type/wcs.stage.trigger.sql... where db_type is either db2 or oracle.
- Append the contents of...
WC_INSTALL/components/component-services/schema/fep1/db_type/ the end of...
WC_INSTALL/schema/db_type/wcs.droptrigger.sql... where db_type is either db2 or oracle.
Append the contents of...
WCDE_INSTALL/components/component-services/schema/fep1/db_type/ the end of...
WCDE_INSTALL/schema/db_type/wcs.stage.trigger.sql... where db_type is either db2 or oracle.
Append the contents of...
WCDE_INSTALL/components/component-services/schema/db_type/ the end of...
WCDE_INSTALL/schema/db_type/wcs.droptrigger.sql... where db_type is either db2 or oracle.
Note: Staging is not supported in WebSphere Commerce Developer.
- After enabling the feature, STAGLOG records are captured in the staging server. Since the STAGLOG is cleaned, either mark all the new STAGLOG records as processed, or delete them.
- If you are using a staging server, run the stagingcopy utility.
If you encounter problems with the staging copy complete the following steps:
- Change STMTHEAP to the maximum value:
db2 update database configuration for db_schema using stmtheap 240000
- Change APPLHEAPZ to 3000:
db2 update database configuration for db_schema using applheapsz 3000
- Disconnect all users from DB2.
- Stop and restart DB2.
- Run stagingcopy utility.