Reference > WebSphere Commerce API > > Classes
Class ECSystemException

  extended by CommandException
      extended by
          extended by

All Implemented Interfaces:

Direct Known Subclasses:


 public class ECSystemException

extends ECException


This class defines the exceptions thrown by the WebSphere Commerce Application Server when system errors occur during processing.

Field Summary

Fields inherited from class

Constructor Summary
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName)
This is a constructor for this class with three parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, boolean logMsg)
This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] msgParam)
This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] msgParam, boolean logMsg)
This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] msgParam, java.lang.String errorTaskName)
This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] msgParam, java.lang.String errorTaskName, boolean logMsg)
This is a constructor for this class with six parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage ecMessage, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] messageParameters, java.lang.String errorTaskName, java.lang.String[] symptomData)
This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] msgParam, java.lang.String errorTaskName, java.lang.Throwable exc)
This is a constructor for this class with six parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] msgParam, java.lang.String errorTaskName, java.lang.Throwable exc, boolean logMsg)
This is a constructor for this class with seven parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] msgParam, java.lang.Throwable exc)
This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Object[] msgParam, java.lang.Throwable exc, boolean logMsg)
This is a constructor for this class with six parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String errorTaskName)
This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String errorTaskName, boolean logMsg)
This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String errorTaskName, java.lang.Throwable exc)
This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.String errorTaskName, java.lang.Throwable exc, boolean logMsg)
This is a constructor for this class with six parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Throwable exc)
This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.
ECSystemException(ECMessage msg, java.lang.String className, java.lang.String methodName, java.lang.Throwable exc, boolean logMsg)
This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.

Method Summary
java.lang.Throwable getCause()
This method returns the root cause of the exception.
java.lang.String getErrorType()
This method gets the type of error.
java.lang.String getGenericErrorTask()
This method gets the generic error task.
void setExceptionValues(ECMessage msg, java.lang.Object[] msgParam, java.lang.String errorTaskName, java.lang.Throwable exc)
This method sets the exception values of an ECSystemException.

Methods inherited from class
addLogData, addLogData, getCorrelationIdentifier, getECMessage, getECParameterErrors, getErrorMessageKey, getErrorProperties, getErrorTaskName, getMessage, getMessageKey, getMessageParameters, getStackTrace, getSymptomData, getThrowable, getUserMessage, isRecoverable, logMessage, logMessage, logMessage, printStackTrace, printStackTrace, setErrorTaskName, setException, setOrginatingCommand, setRecoverable, setThrowable

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName)

This is a constructor for this class with three parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Object[] msgParam)

This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

msgParam - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Object[] msgParam,                          java.lang.String errorTaskName)

This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

msgParam - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Object[] msgParam,                          java.lang.String errorTaskName,                          java.lang.Throwable exc)

This is a constructor for this class with six parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

msgParam - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.

exc - The exception captured at the original point of failure.


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Object[] msgParam,                          java.lang.String errorTaskName,                          java.lang.Throwable exc,                          boolean logMsg)

This is a constructor for this class with seven parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

msgParam - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.

exc - The exception captured at the original point of failure.

logMsg - A boolean value indicating whether the message is logged immediately (true if it is, false otherwise).


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Object[] msgParam,                          java.lang.String errorTaskName,                          boolean logMsg)

This is a constructor for this class with six parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

msgParam - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.

logMsg - A boolean value indicating whether the message is logged immediately (true if it is, false otherwise).


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Object[] msgParam,                          java.lang.Throwable exc)

This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

msgParam - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.

exc - The exception captured at the original point of failure.


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Object[] msgParam,                          java.lang.Throwable exc,                          boolean logMsg)

This is a constructor for this class with six parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

msgParam - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.

exc - The exception captured at the original point of failure.

logMsg - A boolean value indicating whether the message is logged immediately (true if it is, false otherwise).


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Object[] msgParam,                          boolean logMsg)

This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

msgParam - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.

logMsg - A boolean value indicating whether the message is logged immediately (true if it is, false otherwise).


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.String errorTaskName)

This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.String errorTaskName,                          java.lang.Throwable exc)

This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.

exc - The exception captured at the original point of failure.


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.String errorTaskName,                          java.lang.Throwable exc,                          boolean logMsg)

This is a constructor for this class with six parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.

exc - The exception captured at the original point of failure.

logMsg - A boolean value indicating whether the message is logged immediately (true if it is, false otherwise).


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.String errorTaskName,                          boolean logMsg)

This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.

logMsg - A boolean value indicating whether the message is logged immediately (true if it is, false otherwise).


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Throwable exc)

This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

exc - The exception captured at the original point of failure.


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Throwable exc,                          boolean logMsg)

This is a constructor for this class with five parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

exc - The exception captured at the original point of failure.

logMsg - A boolean value indicating whether the message is logged immediately (true if it is, false otherwise).


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage msg,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          boolean logMsg)

This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

logMsg - A boolean value indicating whether the message is logged immediately (true if it is, false otherwise).


 public ECSystemException(ECMessage ecMessage,                          java.lang.String className,                          java.lang.String methodName,                          java.lang.Object[] messageParameters,                          java.lang.String errorTaskName,                          java.lang.String[] symptomData)

This is a constructor for this class with four parameters.


activityToken - The activity token.

ecMessage - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

className - The name of the class that threw this ECSystemException.

methodName - The name of the method that threw this ECSystemException.

messageParameters - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.

symptomData - The symptom data associated with the exception.

ecParameterErrors - Any additional errors associated with the exception.

Method Detail


 public java.lang.String getErrorType()

This method gets the type of error.

Specified by:

getErrorType in class ECException


The error type, which is always a system error.


 public java.lang.String getGenericErrorTask()

This method gets the generic error task.

Specified by:

getGenericErrorTask in class ECException


The generic error task.


 public void setExceptionValues(ECMessage msg,                                java.lang.Object[] msgParam,                                java.lang.String errorTaskName,                                java.lang.Throwable exc)

This method sets the exception values of an ECSystemException.


msg - An ECMessage object used for describing the exception.

msgParam - An Object array of parameter values to be passed to the message.

errorTaskName - The name of the exception handler to handle this error.

exc - The exception captured at the original point of failure.


 public java.lang.Throwable getCause()

This method returns the root cause of the exception.


The root cause of the exception.



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