Administer > Database Cleanup utility > Clean the database
Delete Sales Assistant statistic objects
- From the WC_INSTALL/bin directory, run the following script:
- ./ -object sastats -type all -instancexml WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/xml/ instance.xml -db dbname -dbuser user -loglevel loglevel
- dbclean -object sastats -type all -instancexml WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/xml/ instance.xml -db dbname -loglevel loglevel
- ./ -object sastats -type all -instancexml WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/xml/ instance.xml -db dbname -loglevel loglevel -dbtype oracle -dbuser user -dbpasswd password
- dbclean -object sastats -type all -instancexml WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/xml/ instance.xml -db dbname -loglevel loglevel -dbtype oracle -dbuser user -dbpasswd password
Use host:port:sid for the database name. For example, myhost:1521:mydb.
For details on the syntax and parameters for the dbclean script, see Database Cleanup utility script.
- Examine the WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/logs/DBClean/DBClean. timestamp.log file.
Related concepts
Related reference
Database Cleanup utility objects