Database Cleanup utility
The Database Cleanup utility allows you to delete objects from the database. IBM recommends to run the database cleanup periodically, especially if you have changed a lot of information in the database and have unused tables or rows.
When the Database Cleanup utility deletes an object, the records in the object's tables are deleted to preserve the referential integrity of the database. The Database Cleanup utility deletes records in child tables based on the delete rule of the referential integrity definition in the database schema. Your DBA can set the delete rule to..
- on delete cascade
- on delete set null
- on delete restrict
If you add new tables, ensure that the referential integrity and delete rule is properly defined. Otherwise, the Database Cleanup utility cannot work with the new tables.
If you are migrating from an existing version of WebSphere Commerce, you can run the Database Cleanup utility after the migration. Remember to evaluate the types of data on the system and how they affect database maintenance; typically, user and order data can be quite large, resulting in large database tables. When you clean the database, this will be time consuming since it can fill up the database transaction log files or potentially lock database tables when the store is running.
If you are running the Database Cleanup utility on a staging server it should only be run on the staglog object. The production-ready database is different from the production database.
The production-ready database only has configuration data without the operation data. Deleting configuration data might cause a cascade delete on the operation data. When the Stage Propagate utility propagates the deletion to the production database, this might cause a cascade delete to the operation data (which to keep).
To clean configuration data, run the Database Cleanup utility on the production database.
Depending on the amount of cleanup required for the database, you should consider running the DB2 REORGCHK utility prior to running the DBClean to improve performance during the cleanup.
For better performance, ensure that the Database Cleanup is done on the USRTRAFFIC table, accordingly for MEMBER and ADDRESS tables on the WebSphere Commerce database.
To monitor the Database Cleanup utility, refer to the following files:
- For cleanup progress...
WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/logs/DBClean/DBClean.timestamp.logThe log level for the cleanup can be...
By default the log level is set to DEBUG.
- In the case of a fatal error during cleanup...
WC_INSTALL/instances/instance/logs/DBClean/System.timestamp.PropertiesThe Database Cleanup utility automatically stops and the JVM properties are stored in this file.
- To delete obsolete files associated with data assets...
See also
- Set the PATH environment variables for WebSphere Commerce utilities
Before using the Database Cleanup utility or the staging server, ensure that you set PATH environment variables.
- Clean the database
To delete unused or obsolete objects from the WebSphere Commerce database using the Database Cleanup utility.
- Add a configuration to the Database Cleanup utility
The Database Cleanup utility is configurable. Aside from the preset cleanup configurations, you can add new objects to the database table to define which tables and rows to clean, by updating the Database Cleanup utility configuration data in the CLEANCONF table. To extend the Database Cleanup utility, specify values for the jdbcDriver and jdbcUrlPrefix parameters when running the utility.
- Database Cleanup utility objects
The Database Cleanup utility refers to the CLEANCONF table to determine which tables and which rows to delete when a particular object and object type are specified. The following table describes preconfigured deletion scenarios from the CLEANCONF table. You can configure the own deletion objects by adding similar rows to the CLEANCONF table.
- Dbclean utility script
The Database Cleanup utility (dbclean) removes objects from the database.
- Examples: Deleting objects
The following are examples of deleting user objects from the database tables using optional parameters from the Database Cleanup utility.
Related tasks
Configure databases for use with the staging utilities
Clean the database
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