Administer > Manage WebSphere Commerce features > Messaging system > Work with transport methods
Configure a transport method for the site
Transport methods are configured in the Administration Console.
- Open the Administration Console and select Site on the Administration Console Site/Store Selection page.
- Click Configuration > Transports. The Transport Configuration page displays.
- Select the check box beside the method to configure.
- If the transport to configure is inactive:
- Select the check box next to the inactive transport.
- Click Change Status.
- The transport status should change from Inactive to Active.
- Select the transport again.
- Click Configure. The Transport Configuration Parameters dialog opens. The name of the transport method you selected appears at the top-left of the parameter table.
If the transport you would like to enable is not shown on the list use the Configuration Manager to add the transport. Refer to the topic, Enabling additional transports.
- Type the values to be used by the transport method.
- Click OK to accept the changes, or click Cancel to return to the Transport Configuration page.