Product overview > What's new summary
Discontinued functionality
If you are migrating from an earlier version of WebSphere Commerce, you should be aware of the various features that have been deprecated or removed from this and earlier releases.
- Discontinued features
- Discontinued features are those features that have previously been announced as deprecated, and are now removed from the product.
You need to make changes if you are using discontinued functionality. The following features have been discontinued in this and earlier releases of WebSphere Commerce.
WebSphere Commerce Analyzer
WebSphere Commerce Analyzer has been replaced by integration with other analytics vendors, such as Coremetrics analytics for IBM WebSphere Commerce.
Recommended action:Coremetrics analytics for IBM WebSphere Commerce is now the preferred Web analytics solution for WebSphere Commerce. It is a customer-centric solution that supports multiple touch points to gain cross-channel insights. Coremetrics offers out-of-the-box reports designed and branded specifically for WebSphere Commerce with consistent terminology in user interfaces. It offers tag library integration, one-click customer segment transfers from Coremetrics to WebSphere Commerce for targeted marketing campaigns, extended sites support, and an auto-tagging tool to minimize deployment time.
IBM Lotus QuickPlace
Support for IBM Lotus QuickPlace has been discontinued. .
Recommended action:For more information see, Lotus QuickPlace
stagingcheck utility
The stagingcheck utility has been discontinued.
Recommended action:As an alternative, run the stagingprop utility with the transaction parameter set to one (the default value) and the batchsize parameter set to 0. If an error is encountered during the stagingprop transaction, then the entire process is rolled back without any changes to staging or production servers. If you prefer, run stagingprop with the transaction parameter set to 1 and the batchsize parameter set to 1. If an error is encountered, all changes up until the point of failure will be updated into staging and production servers. Resolve the issue, then rerun the utility which will begin from the point of failure.
Related concepts
New features and functionality
User experience and documentation changes
Coremetrics for IBM WebSphere Commerce
Related reference