B2B direct business model
B2B direct supports commerce transactions involving products, services, or information between two businesses or parties. Typical B2B direct transactions occur between buyers, suppliers, manufacturers, resellers, distributors, and trading partners.
The following diagram demonstrates a typical B2B direct business.
In a typical B2B direct business, businesses purchase goods or services directly from another business. The selling business can be a wholesaler, a distributor, a manufacturer, or a retailer who sells to buyers from other businesses.
Organizations that are not traditionally considered businesses, such as governments, may sometimes implement sites based on the B2B direct business model. This occurs in such cases where governments provide goods and services directly to businesses.
A value of BBB in the STORE table STORETYPE column indicates a basic B2B direct store.
Related concepts
Business model support - differences between releases
Advanced B2B direct view of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator
Elite starter store
Business models
B2B direct access control structure
Advanced B2B direct access control structure
Up and running with the advanced B2B direct starter store