8.3.1 Catalog subsystem URLs
Catalog subsystem URLs include all logic and data relevant to a catalog, including...
- categories
- products and their attributes
- items
- groupings of each
- associations or relationships among them
A typical catalog page's flow looks like this:
StoreCatalogDisplay | TopCategoriesDisplay | CategoryDisplay | ProductDisplayCatalog subsystem URLs include...
URLs Description StoreCatalogDisplay Display all the catalogs for a given store. However, in the default ConsumerDirect store, this URL is not used and is mapped to TopCategoriesDisplay. TopCategoriesDisplay Display the root categories for a given catalog. CategoryDisplay Display a category within a catalog. ProductDisplay Display a catalog entry. In order to cache these catalog URLs, we use the recommended strategy of full-page caching. WebSphere Commerce v6 sample stores are based on Struts main servlet name, which is different from WebSphere Commerce v5. The new servlet name is ECActionServlet; the old Stores main servlet name was RequestServlet.
Add a full page cache-entry for ConsumerDirect store into the cachespec.xml file:
WAS_install_root\profiles\demo\installedApps\WC_demo_cell\WC_demo.ear\Stores.war\WEB-INF\cachespec.xmlThe cache-entry structure is shown in Example | -1.
Example 8-1 Full page cache-entry structure
<cache-entry> <class>servlet</class> <name>com.ibm.commerce.struts.ECActionServlet.class</name> <property name="consume-subfragments">true</property> <property name="save-attributes">false <exclude>jspStoreDir</exclude> </property><!-- TopCategoriesDisplay?storeId=s&catalogId=s --> ......................... ......................... <!-- CategoryDisplay?storeId=s&catalogId=s&categoryId=s --> ......................... ......................... <!-- ProductDisplay?storeId=s&productId=s --> ......................... ......................... </cache-entry>
You are now ready to create cache-ids for each of the URLs created in Example | -1: