IBM Sales Center
The IBM Sales Center architecture is comprised of the IBM Sales Center client, WebSphere Commerce server and a messaging architecture.
A data model is used to cache business objects on the client. The default IBM Sales Center data model contains model objects that represent the operator, customers, orders, products, and other commonly used objects. If a valid data model instance (data object) is not available, a service request is sent to the server to retrieve the information to create or update the data model in the client.
Figure | -1 illustrates the messaging architecture.
Figure C-1 IBM Sales center architecture
The interactions are...
1. The IBM Sales Center client performs a service request.
2. The service request handler prepares a Business Object Document message.
3. A message is sent from the client to the host machine.
4. The message mapper receives the message and maps the Business Object Document to a WebSphere Commerce BOD command.
5. The WebSphere Commerce BOD command is invoked.
6. The WebSphere Commerce BOD command calls a WebSphere Commerce Controller command, which may call one or more task commands.
7. The reply or response builder constructs the response BOD.
8. A response is returned to the client machine.
9. The request handler receives and handles the response BOD.
10. The client user interface is updated on screen.