2.9 The ConsumerDirect cachespec.xml file
WebSphere Commerce provides a number of sample applications, and the ConsumerDirect store is one of them. The ConsumerDirect sample application is also provided with a ready-to-use cachespec.xml file and in this section, we are going to put that file under the microscope. Let's take a look at the first few lines of the sample ConsumerDirect cachespec.xml file as shown in Example | -15.
Example 2-15 Targeting a struts-based application for caching
<?xml version="1.0"?><!DOCTYPE cache SYSTEM "cachespec.dtd"><cache><cache-entry><class>servlet</class> <name>com.ibm.commerce.struts.ECActionServlet.class</name> <property name="consume-subfragments">true</property> <property name="save-attributes">false <exclude>jspStoreDir</exclude> </property>
Perhaps in examining the XML in Example | -15, you have already deduced that the <cache-entry> child elements, <class> and <name>, are part of a definition that describes a servlet type of cache entry.