200 concurrent users using cachespec.xml
]The test with sample cachespec.xml shows that our test environment is very capable of handling 100 users: the page response times are low, as is the CPU usage on all the servers. We can therefore use the test results as the final benchmark of WebSphere Commerce with DynaCache.
What happens if we increase the number of concurrent users, however? Will the throughput (number of pages) and CPU usage increase linearly? What about the response time?
The final benchmark-creation test, which we tackle in this section, is an illustration of the kinds of additional tests that we would typically include in a benchmark suite, intended to investigate issues of performance under stress, scalability, and so on. Here, we double the number of concurrent users to see how the system reacts.
Table | -9 and Table | -10 and Figure | -6 summarize the results of the test.
Table 9-9
CPU usage Minimum JVM heap usage Hard disk usage increase Commerce server 1 27.99% 450MB Commerce server 2 28.02% 430MB Database server 13.74% 101MB Web server 10.2% Resource usage in the test with 200 users test and sample cachespec.xml
Table 9-10
Web action Average response time (second) Count Total time (second) Overall 0.938 468,303 439268.214 Select shipping address 1.145 5,837 6683.365 Add shipping address 0.988 4,129 4079.452 Display category 1.004 211,692 212538.768 Log off 0.801 10,872 8708.472 Log on 0.858 6,044 5185.752 Go to log on page 0.797 6,044 4817.068 Add item to cart 1.666 14,876 24783.416 View billing address 1.749 12,118 21194.382 Process order 1.85 1,306 2416.1 View order summary 2.354 2,689 6329.906 Add payment info 1.839 1,306 2401.734 Display product 0.757 70,515 53379.855 View shipping method 1.328 12,107 16078.096 Display top category 0.655 70,617 46254.135 Visit store front 0.478 27,261 13030.758 Register user 0.845 5,445 4601.025 Go to register page 1.201 5,445 6539.445 response times in the test with 200 users and sample cachespec.xml
Figure 9-6 Response times in the tests with 100 and 200 users and sample cachespec.xml
The test results show that the throughput, response time, and CPU usage do not increase linearly. Doubling the number of concurrent users does not double the throughput, even though a considerable amount of unused resources remains.
As a next step, we would run more tests to determine the saturation point.
The results also confirm the common-sense observation that the response time is unlikely to stay unchanged when the number of concurrent users increases - but we need to take more measurements to determine why the response time is increasing.