Consume-subfragments exclude
Consume-subfragments exclude allows you to mark an included fragment to not be consumed by its parent.
The cache entry shown in Example | -13 does not consume the subfragment. It caches only if it has its own entry in the cache policy.
Example 6-13 Consume all subfragments except child.jsp
<property name="consume-subfragments">true<exclude>/child.jsp</exclude></property>
In Example | -14 the cache entry also does not consume child.jsp, but caches it since it has a cache policy.
Example 6-14
<property name="consume-subfragments">true</property>...<cache-entry><class>servlet</class><name>/child.jsp</name><property name="do-not-consume">true</property><cache-id><timeout>0</timeout></cache-id></cache-entry>