Replication problem: Message size
The replication service has a default value of 5 MB for the maximum message size transmitted over the wire. The maximum message size can be changed in WebSphere Commerce v6. When the consumer service (Http session memory to memory replication or WebSphere DynaCache service) tries to send messages larger than the maximum message size, the replicator that is instructed to send this message disconnects the client connection to the replication service, causing broken pipe exceptions. The exceptions happen either immediately, or on subsequent message sends. The exceptions cause the replication service instance to reset its connectivity to the current replicator and it attempts to connect to an alternate replicator in the domain. Thus, this problem may also manifest itself in the form of frequent reset attempts in the logs, as shown in Example | -2.
Example 4-2 Connect reset log
[6/25/04 11:32:57:888 EDT] 3d2b3 DRSResetJMS A DRSW0005I:WebSphere internal replication has recovered from a previous connection failure.[6/25/04 11:32:58:038 EDT] 3d2b3 DRSCacheApp E DRSW0001E: A error occured communicating over WebSphere internal replication. The exception is: com.ibm.disthub.impl.jms.JMSWrappedException:{800870265|java.io.IOException: Broken pipe|atcom.ibm.disthub.impl.jms.TopicPublisherImpl.publishInternal(TopicPublisherImpl.java:511)at com.ibm.disthub.impl.jms.TopicPublisherImpl.publish(TopicPublisherImpl.java:450)at com.ibm.disthub.impl.jms.TopicPublisherImpl.publish(TopicPublisherImpl.java:375)at com.ibm.ws.drs.DRSJMS.jmsPubUpd(DRSJMS.java:200)at com.ibm.ws.drs.DRSCacheApp.jmsPubUpd(DRSCacheApp.java:3290)at com.ibm.ws.drs.DRSJMS.jmsPubUpd(DRSJMS.java:272)at com.ibm.ws.drs.DRSCacheApp.jmsPubUpd(DRSCacheApp.java:3290)at com.ibm.ws.drs.DRSAPI.updateEntryProp(DRSAPI.java:803)at com.ibm.ws.drs.DRSCacheApp.updateEntryProp(DRSCacheApp.java: