9.1.4 Defining and administering a TSA cluster

Before configuring your TSA cluster, verify that all of the installations of TSA in your topology know about one another and can communicate with one another in what is referred to as a TSA cluster domain, then do the following configuration steps:


Run the following command as root in each host to prepare the proper security environment between the TSA node so that it is allowed to communicate between the cluster nodes:

(P)(S)(H) # preprpnode rayden2 salmon 


Issue the following commands to create a RSCT cluster domain:

(P) # mkrpdomain HADR_domain rayden2 salmon


Issue the following command to bring the cluster online:

Note: All future TSA-related commands will run relative to this active domain.

(P) # startrpdomain HADR_domain


In seconds, the cluster starts and you can look up the status of HADR_domain. you can get output, as in Figure 9-4.

(P) # lsrpdomain

Figure 9-4 TSA cluster domain status


Ensure that all nodes are online in the active domain. You can get an output as shown in Figure 9-5.

(P) # lsrpnode

Figure 9-5 TSA cluster nodes status
