8.6.2 Install Load Balancer refresh pack
Refresh packs for Load Balancer are downloaded as .tar archives. There is no graphical installer for the refresh packs. Components must be installed using an operating system specific command. The following steps describe the installation for refresh pack 6.0.2 on AIX and Solaris:
Switch to root and extract the archive to a temporary directory.
From the temporary directory, issue the following commands in order to install Load Balancer and its Dispatcher component:
installp -acXd . ibmlb.base.rte
installp -acXd . ibmlb.admin.rte
installp -acXd . ibmlb.lb.driver
installp -acXd . ibmlb.disp.rte
installp -acXd . ibmlb.doc.rte
installp -acXd . ibmlb.msg.en_US.*
On Solaris
Each command should output a success message, as shown in Example 8-7, for the installation of the ibmlb.admin.rte module on AIX.
Example 8-7 Installation success message on AIX
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Summaries:+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Installation Summary--------------------Name Level Part Event Result-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ibmlb.admin.rte USR APPLY SUCCESS
Example 8-8 shows the message on Solaris for the ibmlbbase module.
Example 8-8 Installation success message on Solaris
[ verifying class <ibmlbbase> ]Installation of <ibmlbbase> was successful.
The installation of Load Balancer is now complete.