Create a task from a template

Create a task from a template if the task you want to create is similar to one of your saved task templates.

To create a task from a template:

  1. Open the Workspace Administration Tool.

  2. Select Workspaces > Manage workspaces.

  3. On the Workspaces page, select the task that will contain the new task.

  4. Click Use template.

  5. On the Select template page, select the task template you want to use then click OK.

  6. The New task page displays, with information from the template filled into appropriate fields.

  7. Optional: In the Due date field, type a year, month, and day for the task to be completed. This field is for your information only. WebSphere Commerce does not perform any actions based on this date.

  8. Select a Workspace Content Contributor in the Available Content Contributors list and click Add Content Contributor. You can add additional Workspace Content Contributors at a later time by changing the task.

  9. Optional: Specify task names and descriptions:

    1. Select the language for the name and description.

    2. Type the new name or description for the selected language. If you do not specify a name for the task, the system generated task code will be displayed for users using the selected language.

    3. Repeat steps a and b for other languages, if required.

  10. Click OK.

After creating all tasks in a task group, activate the task group containing the new tasks. Workspace Content Contributors cannot work on their assigned tasks until the task group containing their tasks is activated.

Related concepts

Related concepts

Workspaces, task groups, and tasks

Related tasks

Create a task template
Activating a task group

Related Reference

Workspaces best practices