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Tutorial: Creating an outbound Web service client for WebSphere Commerce

This tutorial covers the creation of the MyCompanyMember outbound Web service client. This client will be used to integrate WebSphere Commerce 6 with a sample Web service which manages users. The MyCompanyMember Web service client will integrate with the UserRegistrationAdd and UserRegistrationUpdate commands to push new and updated user registration information to the sample system.


Learning objectives

The sample Web service called by the client consists of a PushUser message that contains user registration information and a PushUserConfirmation response that contains confirmation of the request. Service Data Objects (SDO) are used by the MyCompanyMember client to build the PushUser request message and handle the PushUserConfirmation response generated from the sample system. The tutorial results will be tested by registering a new user in the ConsumerDirect sample store and viewing the PushUser request and PushUserConfirmation response message sent between WebSphere Commerce and the sample user Web service. The following diagram illustrates:

  1. The integration of the MyCompanyMember client API with the WebSphere Commerce user registration commands.

  2. The integration of the MyCompanyMember client API with the WebSphere Commerce messaging system.

  3. The consumption of the MyCompanyMemberServices Web service by WebSphere Commerce.


Time required

Expect this tutorial to take 4 hours to complete.



This tutorial is intended for WebSphere Commerce developers who are responsible for integrating WebSphere Commerce with an external system.



Before beginning this tutorial ensure that you have fulfilled the following prerequisites:

To complete this tutorial you should be familiar with the following terms and concepts:


Lessons in this tutorial