Install the WebSphere Commerce sample portlet application on the WebSphere Portal development server

Installing the WebSphere Commerce sample portal application installs the WAR file provided by WebSphere Commerce to the WebSphere Portal development server.About this task

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To install the WebSphere Commerce sample portlet application on the WebSphere Portal development server:

  1. Copy the MVCPortlet.war file from the WebSphere Commerce machine, to a temporary directory on your Rational Application Developer 7.0 machine. The default location of the MVCPortlet.war file is: WCDE_installdir/components/wcportal/MVCPortlet/MVCPortlet.war

  2. Enable Rational Application Developer 7.0 WebSphere Portal tools for each workspace that is used:

    1. Open Rational Application Developer 7.0.

    2. Select Windows > Preferences > General > Capabilities.

    3. Select Advanced and in the Web Developer (advanced) section, select Portal Development and click OK.

    4. Click OK.

  3. Launch Rational Application Developer 7.0 by selecting Start > IBM Software Development Platform > IBM Rational Application Developer > IBM Rational Application Developer. If a workspace does not exist, define one for WebSphere Portal.

  4. Import the MVCPortlet.war file into the Rational Application Developer workbench. For instructions on importing a WAR file, refer to Import Web archive (WAR) files. Notes: When importing the WAR file:

    1. Create a new EAR project under EAR Membership. MVCPortlet and MVCPorletEAR are listed in the Web Project and the EAR Project Name fields.

    2. Select WebSphere Portal v6.0 in the Target runtime field.

    3. Do not select any jar files on the Web libraries page.

    After importing the WAR file, in the Project Explorer you should see the following entries:

    MVCPortlet > Java Resources: JavaSource > config
    MVCPortlet > Java Resources: JavaSource > config.xsd
    MVCPortlet > Java Resources: JavaSource > nl

  5. Create a new Rational Application Developer test server for WebSphere Portal V6.0. For instructions on creating a new test server, refer to Define WebSphere Portal 6.0 Server. Accept all of the default settings, unless stated below:

    1. Specify the WAS Security user ID and password.

    2. Specify the Portal Administrator user ID and password.

    3. In the Add or Remove Projects page, select the MVC Portlet EAR project (MVCPortletEAR) from the Available projects and move it into the Configured Projects.

  6. Double click the test server.

    1. Verify that Optimize Server for testing and developing is selected under the Server session tab.

    2. Select SOAP in the Server connection type and admin port field.

    3. Expand Automatic Publishing and select Use default publishing settings.

    4. Save the configuration.

  7. On the WebSphere Portal client, set up the TCP monitor to forward messages to the WebSphere Commerce Server:

    1. From the Rational Application Developer Workbench, select Windows>Preferences>Run/Debug > TCP/IP Monitor.

    2. Click the Add button, and add a new monitor, using the following properties:
      Local Monitoring port:

      Port 80 is the default port. However, if you are using a WebSphere Commerce Server as a test tier, the port must be set to 8007. If you have configured WebSphere Commerce with a different default port number, ensure that you enter the appropriate port number here.


    3. Select the new port monitor and click Start.

    4. You must start the port monitor every time the Rational Application Developer is restarted.

  8. Optional: When using your WebSphere Commerce Server instead of your WebSphere Commerce Developer machine as the test tier, complete the following steps:

    1. Sign on to the WAS administration console that manages WebSphere Commerce.

    2. Click Applications > Enterprise Application > WC_ instance_name.

    3. Click Map virtual hosts for Web modules.

    4. Update the virtual host for the Enablement-BusinessContextWebServicesRouter to VH_ instance_name_Preview,instead of the default value of VH_ instance_name_Tools.

    5. Click OK and save the configuration.

    6. Open Servers > Web Servers.

    7. Select webserver1 and click the Generate Plug-in button.

    8. Restart WebSphere Commerce.

    9. After your WebSphere Commerce Server is restarted, open a Web browser and verify that the following URL opens properly:

      • BusinessContextServiceWrapperService:

        https://hostname:8007/Enablement-BusinessContextWebServicesRouter/services/BusinessContextServiceWrapper Where:

        Is the host name of the WebSphere Commerce machine.

  9. Next step: Configure WebSphere Portal based on your authentication type:

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Portlet packaging structure

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Install the WebSphere Commerce sample portlet application on the WebSphere Portal server - - -