WebSphere Portal integration prerequisites for the WebSphere Portal machine
Before you integrate WebSphere Portal ensure that the system meets the software and configuration requirements.Software
You must have preinstalled the following software:
- WebSphere Portal version Refer to the Installing topic in the WebSphere Portal Information Center.
- It is recommended that the WebSphere Portal server runs on the WAS runtime installed by Rational Application Developer
- The WAS must be at the level.
- Rational Application Developer version must be installed to develop and test WebSphere Portal with WebSphere Commerce 6.0.
- When installing Rational Application Developer version follow the custom installation path and select to use a preinstalled WAS, or install the WAS that is packaged with Rational Application Developer.
- You must select to install WebSphere Portal tools and WebSphere Application Server version 6.0 when installing Rational Application Developer. For more information, refer to the Rational Application Developer version 7 Information Center.
- Rational Application Developer Fix Pack.
- You have installed the WebSphere Portal V6.0.0.1 test server into your Rational Application Developer v7.0 environment. For more information refer to Supported hardware and software for WebSphere Portal Version
Ensure that the system meets the following requirements:
- Ensure the IP addresses of the WebSphere Commerce Server and WebSphere Portal Server are registered in a DNS server, and that they can access each other by hostname.
- The system clocks of the WebSphere Portal machine and the WebSphere Commerce machine should be synchronized.
- Enabling WebSphere Portal security with a LDAP user registry
When enabling WebSphere Portal security update your WebSphere Portal LDAP settings.
Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce integration with WebSphere Portal Authentication types
Related tasks
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