Updating the partial EAR file


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IBM Workplace Web Content Management integration for WebSphere Commerce provides a partial EAR file.

To update the partial EAR file:

  1. Extract the contents of... WC_installdir/refapps/WWCM/wc.ear/partialAppsforEar.zip

...to a temporary location. This location will be referred to as /tmp/wcmpear.

The WWCM directory is WWCM_60.

  • Update WebSphere Commerce Struts configuration files.

  • Update WebSphere Commerce XML configuration files.

  • Update the application properties:

    1. Open the following file in a text editor:


    2. Update the following parameters in the file with values from your Web Content Management system:


      Specify the URL (including port number) of your Web Content Management system. For example, http://my_iwwcm_system:9081/


      Specify the context root that you specified when following the instructions in Install IBM Workplace Web Content Management integration for WebSphere Commerce on the Web Content Management system.


      Specify the full path where pre-rendered content from Web Content Management will be stored.

    3. Save your changes and exit the text editor.

  • Use a ZIP file utility, create a new ZIP file called completeAppsforEar.zip that contains the contents of /tmp/wcmpear.

    The ZIP file contents should all be relative to the /tmp/wcmpear. That is, when the new file is unzipped, you should only have the directory structure and files that exist under /tmp/wcmpear.

    Continue by following step 4 in Installing IBM Workplace Web Content Management integration for WebSphere Commerce on the WebSphere Commerce system.


    Related Concepts

    IBM Workplace Web Content Management integration for WebSphere Commerce


    Related tasks

    Overview: Integrating WebSphere Commerce and IBM Workplace Web Content Management