Troubleshooting WebSphere Commerce Analyzer: Time stamp out of range
If the time stamp is out of range of the extraction time cutoff, the new shopping data did not get processed because the time stamp is out of range of the extraction time cutoff. To recover the data that is missing, complete these steps:
- Type db2 connect todatabase where the database is the name of your local data mart.
- Type db2 update wca.parameters set param_value = (select varchar(min(lastsuccess)) from asn.ibmsnap_subs_set) where param_type= 'TIME_CUT_OFF_PREV'
- Restart the WebSphere Commerce Analyzer ETL by doing the following:
- On the WebSphere Commerce Analyzer server, from the Start menu, select Programs > IBM WCA> Run WebSphere Commerce Analyzer. The WebSphere Commerce Analyzer Runtime window opens.
- Select Debug.
- Click Reset Error Status.
- Reselect Normal.
- Click Start WCA to re-run the ETL.
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