Add a price to a SKU

SKUs initially use the same price as the product on which the SKU is based. If you want a SKU to have a different price from its product, add a price to the SKU.

To add a price to a SKU:

  1. Find the product containing the SKU you want to change.

  2. Select a field in the product row, and from the Actions menu, click Show SKUs.

  3. Select a field in the SKU row that you want to change, and from the Prices menu, click Set Prices.

  4. The SKU Pricing page displays. Using the list, select the currency from a list of the store's available currencies.

  5. In the List Price field, add the SKU list price. The list price may be supplied by the manufacturer and may be set to any value. The list price is used as part of the SKU description and is not used as the actual price of the SKU. This field is for catalog display purposes only.

  6. Click Add Price Range.

  7. Define your price range specifications, as follows:

    • Use the list, select the currency from a list of the store's available currencies.

    • Add the SKU price range for volume pricing in the Range field, to specify a quantity of SKUs for a certain price.

  8. Click OK. Under the Price column of the new price range row, type the price of the SKU.

  9. To save the new SKU price, click OK.


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