Finding an RFQ (Enterprise)

To find an RFQ:

  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
  2. From the Sales menu, click RFQs. If you do not see this menu, then your logon ID does not have the appropriate authority to perform this task. Contact your Site Administrator.
  3. Click Find. The Find RFQ dialog displays.
  4. Provide search criteria in one or more of the available fields, as follows:
    1. In the Name field, type the name of an RFQ to search for. By default, the system performs a case sensitive search (for example, if you specify "ABC123", the system will look for only RFQs that contain "ABC" and will not return RFQs named "Abc123", "ABc123", and so on). If you want the system to search on any upper and lower case variations of "ABC", then select the Case insensitive check box.
    2. From the Status list, select the RFQ status you want the system to search for. The supported statuses are active, closed, next round, and complete.
    3. Under Create After, if you want the system to search for RFQs created after a specific date and time, provide this information. The date format is YYYY/MM/DD. The time format is HH:MM. Optionally, click the calendar icon to open the date selection tool.
    4. Under Active After, if you want the system to search for RFQs which are activated after a specific date and time, provide this information. The date format is YYYY/MM/DD. The time format is HH:MM. Optionally, click the calendar icon to open the date selection tool.
    5. Click OK. The system performs a search based on your search criteria.